Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 PLEASE SEARCH ABOVE FOR MORE and ADD ON:  Was overjoyed finding this at Good Will after just recently hearing them on a compilation I posted.


Kosta said...

one of my favorite country-rock band
got them 3 vinyl/flac and 4 320, already ripped and digitalized flac,,,if u want i will submit them 320 here...
ORLEANS Orleans 1973 LL+LP
ORLEANS Let There Be Music 1975 LL+LP
ORLEANS Waking and Dreaming 1976 LL+LP
ORLEANS Forever 1979 Mp3 320
ORLEANS Orleans 1980 Mp3 320
ORLEANS One Of A Kind 1982 Mp3 320
ORLEANS Grown Up Children 1986 Mp3 320

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Wow Kosta!
Yes, I just discover this band on an old compilation I posted and now I must have more after the ABC's. Can you send links and I will post and credit you? You are a champion for the blog! Thanks for your comments.

Kosta said...

ok, give me time , i will do...

this ABC compilation i checked, it's not an antholgy of their first 2 ABC lp,
but its the 1973 st lp tracklist identical...stange issue..?..


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi Kosta,

That is why I take pictures of the label for all rips including these Good Will finds as many times the wrong vinyl is in the sleeve as labeled. Check and see if my pictures of the labels actually show that this is really the st 1973 release. Thanks for the feedback.

Kosta said...

it's not a "wrong vinyl is in the sleeve"
it's an original ABC us 1973 release ,
simply the reissue of their first 1973 st album
with this strange title "The ABC Collection"...??
since has nothing of a "collection"
Not listed in Discogs yet

Kosta said...

mystery solved,
THE ABC COLLECTION is not the lp title, but the name of the "series"...
this is the 1976 reissue of their 1973 st lp
