Tuesday, November 10, 2020

THE EUGE - Welcome Back To The West Coast 7 91

 I am going to type out the insert as I think it is very interesting:  The Euge is a native to the Coast, (West), who claims he was found on a stretch of California's Pacific Coast Highway by a family of folk singers who raised him as their own.  In the late 70's he ventured into Hollywood.  There he took up with a band of skinheads, played bass guitar in a punk rock band and was featured in the cult film 'The Decline of Western Civilization".  When he felt the punk rock scene had reached it's zenith The Euge went 'back to his roots'.   He got an acoustic guitar, began writing original 'folk style' compositions and went underground.  In 1987 The Euge resurfaced with an impressive assemblage of his innovative work and went on the road.  While he tends to be close mouthed in regard to his whereabouts in the years between now and then he's known to've played numerous engagements.  Here in his home town L.A., up and down the West Coast, as well as in towns along the East Coast."  At any rate someone had requested this recently so here ya go fella!!         https://gofile.io/d/OG8F8e

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