Wednesday, September 9, 2020

SLADE - Alive! LP 72 w Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply LP 82-84

 What a great Good Will find with the later album as it has their one big hit in the USA for many years I would hear it on our 'Classic Rock' radio station, the song "Run Runaway' which I always thought they were saying 'Chameleon' so it was 'that chameleon song' that got us all pumped up!  I started with that record as it was missing a cover then added the other cheap find shown which is from a decade earlier!  I actually had a greatest hits CD by Slade long ago but hopelessly buried at home and I wanted to present the material not as a CD string of hits but the down and dirty vinyl sound that can really hook you like it did me on the radio (finding these old tunes is good for my karma you know or at least finished what I started properly with ownership).  


Star Studded Sham said...

Slade Alive was the first big album for the band. The previous one - Play It Loud - didn't really have the distinctive Slade sound. 50 million records sold in the 70s and the biggest band in the world outside America.

FervorCoulee said...

But, they ARE singing Chameleon! It will forever be known as That Chameleon Song.

jimi2770 said...

please, update the link. thank you.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Link restored today!
