Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Exploited - Exploited Barmy Army EP 80 (FLAC) w Army Life EP 80 (FLAC) w Dead Cities EP 81 (FLAC) w Attack/Alternative EP 82 (MP3) w Horror Epics LP 85 (FLAC)

This one for A.J. for a trade, he sent in the album and I brought in the FLAC EP's that I mentioned on the first post below.  I also found the Attack/Alternative file but only as MP3.  Thanks A.J.!
Link 1 of 2:
Link 2 of 2:


AJ said...

You're a complete STAR! As an old Scottish (Edinburgh) scuzzball who's been on the wrong side of the bar when T'Exploited kicked off with UK Subs (who suggested that we are a United Kingdom??) for being English (no further explanation was ever required!!) the flac copies of their classic singles really makes my day/evening.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. Greetings from México.
