Tuesday, July 21, 2020

BENNY MARDONES - Thank God For Girls Promo EP 78 w Never Run Never Hide LP 80 w Two Stars Are Better Than One In-Store Play Sampler Spit EP w Bram T 80

He's been buried in the Motors post for years since the record label had put out that split, kind of confused me.  Anyways he just passed on not long ago but there is a great interview on youtube where he talks with a fan about his greatest hit, "Into The Night' talking about the vocal performance.

1 comment:

angstytimelord said...

I was so sad to hear that Benny had passed away. LOVE his music. And the vocal performance on "Into the Night" is absolutely AMAZING! Especially the last "I'd pick you uuuuuuup" line. He was an incredible vocalist.
