Tuesday, March 24, 2020

THE CRYSTALS - Twist Uptown LP 68

Just a no-name band from Brooklyn, NY that Phil Spector took under his wing buuttt it was the most I will ever pay for a record at $231.00 with Banana Music's 10% discount for wearing their shirt that day...a great store by the way that is like a warehouse in one of their stores with tall shelves of every vinyl imaginable! that I like to go 'fill in' when I need to with a short visit.  As I had mentioned I had a quality issue for two weeks that I just fixed that started with my experimenting with higher line-in volume on this rip but now it is a grand sound.  Most I had paid before was $75 for a pre-hardcore Whipping Boy album 'Sound of No Hands Clapping'.  I think it was the Frankenstein Twist that got me but the week before I saw it on the wall at Banana's I had tried ripping a compilation with 'Uptown' on it but it was damaged and it sounded magical to me so I had to have it.  I think of my time in our little 'Uptown' community in Mpls. where I bought my black futon and saw many legends at their bar like:  Dead Milkmen, Alex Chilton, Oasis and last show was Faux Jean from Radio K!

1 comment:

angstytimelord said...

Okay, I'm gonna DL this one just because if you paid that kind of money for it, it MUST be great! Not to mention that I love the sound of the 60s girl groups. I'm a lot more familiar with their big hit "He's A Rebel," but "Uptown" is a great song, too. Looking forward to hearing this one!
