Tuesday, January 7, 2020


The second of three piano CD's I had found at Good Will.


angstytimelord said...

I am LOVING all this piano music! Dude, all I can say is that your Goodwill store is a LOT better than my local one!

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

You got it Angsty. No way I would have the selection I get at a normal Good Will Store. I work by one of their 'Bucket Stores' or 'Bargain Bins' store that gets overstock from other stores in the area before it goes overseas. It's all sold by weight except the CD's/Cassette's/Vinyl/VHS which were $0.25 a few years ago and are now $0.50 each. Thus there is a constant flow (why I try to go everyday at lunch break from work). The store also moved locations a couple years ago to a somewhat smaller facility and right after, as I kept going they started really unloading vinyl last year since I was taking it all home everyday for about a month so I am way overstocked right now with my own vinyl still needing conversion not to mention CD's I have.
