Monday, May 20, 2019

JAY FERGUSON - Real Life Ain't This Way LP 79

SEARCH ABOVE FOR MORE and ADD ON:  Oh, dang!  What was that first hit I posted, Sailin' take me away...,  no, Cheeseburger in Paradise, yeah heh...nope.  Well too lazy to search above so you can if interested.  This later release actually kicks in pretty hard.


angstytimelord said...

I remember "Shakedown Cruise" from this album! I always got a laugh out of the lyrics to that one (the part about stripping sails/licking decks being compared to having sex). Everybody may remember him from "Thunder Island" (also a great song!), but his other stuff was pretty great, too.

Frank said...

Thank you for this post!

Anonymous said...

Jay's solo career completely baffled me.
This was same guy who co-fronted Spirit on their 1st four essential albums & then formed the-very-different-but-still-excellent Jo Jo Gunne?
Will the real Jay Ferguson please stand up?
