Thursday, January 10, 2019

JOHN BARRY - Somewhere In Time Movie Soundtrack from Tape 80

Tell you the truth, I haven't even had time to listen to this yet but did stream capture the movie from VHS a month ago so that is why I grabbed it at the Goodwill along with the other CD's this week.


angstytimelord said...

OHMYGOD, this is one of my favorite movies EVER. And I LOVE the novel it's based on, "Bid Time Return" by Richard Matheson (usually a horror writer). I've had a lot of people sneer at me and say that it's a "girl thing" to like the movie and the book, but I know plenty of guys (straight guys, not just gay!) who like it, too.

It's not really even the romance aspect of the book/film that does it for me (thought that part IS well-done), it's the time-travel aspect. I've always been fascinated by the idea that you can feel so tethered to a place or a person in the past that you could literally WILL yourself back in time to be with that person or in that place. That's what keeps me going back to the movie AND the book (read it six times now) again and again.

Not to mention that John Barry's music is FLAWLESS. I give this a BIG thumbs up!

zzebon said...

Just a heads up here, too, John Barry is a British composer who also did all the early James Bond films, so in definitely UK
