Monday, October 29, 2018

BLACK FLAG - Everything Went Black CD 82

Saw these guys with Henry on the last tour I think 1986, Dezzo in 2003 at the Palladium (tried picking up gals with Robo--learned he is from Columbia--next door at the bar after the great show) and also same year when I lived out there (yeah I got serenaded with all my favorite punk bands in L.A. and drank with a few of them that year working in the Valley for a large Japanese company before layoff in time to go back home and help raise some nieces and nephews in folks swimming pool house I grew up in back in MN, as sisters were pumping too many drugs into them at every little whim and they needed love instead) I got to see Greg doing vocals with no real singer but the fans!  Great show and great American is Greg...I have never lost respect for him through all his legal troubles--a true champion for the distraught IMO as it sure helped me growing up.  No disc rot here luckily as I played this one to death and used to have it on vinyl somewhere.

1 comment:

Davideomusic73 said...

Thank you very much for this batch of Halloween posts: Amazing!!! Happy Halloween and best wishes
