Monday, September 18, 2017

Tane Cain - st LP 82

Are you the 'Hurtin' Kind'?  LOL


angstytimelord said...

I remember when this came out and "Holdin' On" was all over the radio. I bought the album because I loved the other single that wasn't a hit, "My Time To Fly." She had a pretty good voice, and most of the songs are good! And I'll admit to liking the duet "Almost Any Night" that she did with her husband, Jonathan Cain from Journey. (Though I never liked them. I always wished they'd take a long journey -- preferably to another planet, haha.)

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

HA HA HA Angsty I gotta agree with you on that one! Great background comments lately aa you know a few glances at the covers and sometimes Orr a lot of times I don't have time for the bio's...dang girl I must be barking up your tree or soooomething. Cheers!'.
