Wednesday, August 23, 2017

THE MODELS - Model LP 79 w Remodeling LP 82 w Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight EP 85

REPOST Request:  Thanks again to fervor coulee for sending me the first album to rip this week. Can identify as I modeled over 20 years from age 5 starting with the 'Booby Trap' commercial where I watched the pegs go up in the air and looked surprised...anybody GOT a copy for me??  Got paid $500 for that nationwide TV commercial so my mom sued 'em later for $5000 and won me more money for college.
Link 1 of 2:
Link 2 of 2:


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

ed L. said...
Hey ViaC,
I'm digging the Models album you posted today, so I wanted to check this one out. I notice however that the link is for the Aussie band's EP, rather than the album shown. Can you fix that? That would be great. Thanks for making me aware of yet another band that slipped past the radar.
AUGUST 21, 2017 AT 7:20 PM

scanno said...
They're the Aussie band.

OCTOBER 26, 2014 AT 6:24 PM
Mike B. said...
Hey great!! Love The Models (Aussie -New Wave/Alternative Band) could repost
Out Of Mind Out Of Sight EP 85 1st one. I was able to get the new models, Thanks for that!

Also do you have Kids In The Kitchen - Terrain LP also the Say It 12" mixes or any other remixes for this band except for Bitter Desire.

Thanks Again !!

JULY 26, 2015 AT 1:08 PM
Ian Buckley said...
Could you repost Out Of Mind Out Of Sight EP please? Thanks. :)

MAY 3, 2017 AT 7:40 AM

FervorCoulee said...

The Models and Remodeling are albums by the Edmonton, Alberta band, The Models. The final pictured cover is from the Australian band with the same name: in Canada I vaguely recall them being called The Australian Models.

FervorCoulee said...

I thanked our host offline, but want to do so publicly: thank you for ripping The Models album for us.
