Thursday, July 13, 2017

HALL And OATES - Past Times Behind LP 71 72 76 w Whole Oates LP 72 w Abandoned Luncheonette LP 73 w No Goodbyes LP 73 77 w War Babies LP 74 w Hall And Oates LP 75 w Bigger Than Both Of Us LP 76 w Beauty On A Back Street LP 77 w Along The Red Lodge LP 78 w Livetime LP 78 w X-Static LP 79 w Voices LP 80 w Private Lives LP 81 w H2O LP 82 w Rock'N Soul LP 83 w Big Bam Boom LP 84

Here is a band I always used to ignore as it was my younger sister's favorite along with Donny Osmond's Deep Purple Dream, but I liked the early K-Tel Hit Parade songs so, with a another collector's opinion that their early stuff was really good, I started collecting them.  I had to fill in the two above I was missing but the rest here have some hidden gems and you can search of later stuff.


Davideomusic73 said...

thank you very much: have a nice weekend:)

S D Joe said...

You had it right the first time, bro; definitely a Kid Sister band......

Villiam Greko said...

hey there, I got something that my interest you, who can I write via e-mail? thanks

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Villiam Greko,

Please email me at

I would be interested in what you have to post!

Nish said...

Hello Mr. Via,
Creator here, Mark Underground.
Wondering how you are and why you take the direction you do with my old blog.
It was a Punk/New Wave/Underground music blog.
You as leader have the right to take any direction you'd like, but why post mainstream crap.
My opinion and opinions are like assholes, but it set this blog different from the rest.
I realize that you enjoy some of that,,, and that's cool but don't you think you should keep to that what gave this blog its fame?
If you don't it will just fade into the other million blogs.
I'm not gonna preach, just hope I make you think.
Hall & oats fans aren't gonna help the struggling Punks and skins that are growning old
thinking were a dying breed.
I love you and want to help as I am dying. You MUST keep the faith and being different for the coming generation.
Your pal,
Nishan (Mark Underground)

newnativemark said...

Thank you for all the music you share with us. Most of it is impossible to find anywhere else.

Is there any chance for a repost on this?


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi newnativemark,

I have restored the links for you today. I kept in the same spot so it won't go down and also blog creator Mark didn't like me posting as off genre.

newnativemark said...

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many reasons why someone may be looking for a particular piece of music. Sometimes because it means something special to him, sometimes it is a gift for someone else. It seems to me the important thing is to share music, whatever the reason, and whatever the genre. If the original blog thinks you should post more new wave/underground stuff... there's nothing wrong with that either. I don't know why you couldn't do both.

As to his referring to something that I want as "Mainstream crap..." it doesn't bother me at all. That's an elitist attitude that is both condescending and amusing. I feel sorry for him if he really views the world that way.

Again, thank you for sharing music.


Advanced Acupressure Clinic said...

Hello, any chance of reposting this again?? Thank you as always!

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Advanced Acupressure Clinic the HALL and OATES link your requested for repost and has been restored.

Advanced Acupressure Clinic said...

Thanks so much Viacomclosedmedown!

jimi2770 said...

please, update the link

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Link restored today
