Monday, September 26, 2016

CRASS - Entire stock

O.K. I would be a complete poseur if my google icon was from a Peace Punk group and I didn't put these guys up somewhere.  Mainly from one blog but a few double's I put in from Felipe's defunkt blog.  Here is my story:  Spring break of 9th grade my first drunk, my new buddy at the local bowling alley and I decided to hang out first time as we hadn't seen each other's houses.  We went to my folks, stole a bottle of champagne and I hid it in my shorts in front of my mom asking for permission to sleep over at Sean's house...she didn't see it.  We went to his basement and I heard my first punk records ever in this order:  Youth Brigade (played twice as we drank the bottle and marched/danced back and forth) and Crass (Christ the Album). If not familiar with them, start with "Penis Envy" with the female singer then vet the files as interviews and better write up's within.

I'll add one more piece from the Denny's Tidbits mag this month which is nationwide:
Barbed wire replaced standard piano strings in a piano built to mark the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule.  The barbed wire came from the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) dividing North and South Korea.  The piano forms part of an exhibition sponsored by the Seoul Museum of Art to recognize the anniversary.  Its creator, Leo Seong-ha, says he was inspired to use the wire after seeing the Pope, who visited South Korea in 2014, receive a crown of thorns made of barbed wire. It made him realize it can be a symbol of war and division., but also peace.

Side Note:  My dad went during last year of Korean War in the Army but also went over there on a special Peace Mission much much later.

Link 1 of 5:
Link 2 of 5:  POST IS FIXED:
Link 3 of 5:
Link 4 of 5:
Link 5 of 5:


kidcarson said...

Link 1 & 2 are identical :(
Does a package #2 exist?

Anonymous said...

You forgot Link 2, there's twice link 1 Instead...Thanx, Indomito

Anonymous said...

sorry, but part 1 and part 2 same link.
Part 2 is missing...

Anonymous said...

please post part 2 as station of the Crass and bloody rev single amongst others are missing. extra special thanx for the rest though

rev.b said...

I haven't listened to Crass in years and g'ddanmit, I think I need to! You don't happen to have any Flux of Pink Indians around do you? Either way, hope you can work out the link issue and many thanks for the blast.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Yes, those are in my CD's I have purchased but I will have to see if it is a reissue or has a website listed on the case as I will never rip and post those...part of my core constituency.

Also, I ddidn't see that bloody rev. thing ANON so check it your own self, please.

Anyone who likes the band IMMATERIAL an inbetween band from Mancester home of the Love Story movie I got from Dangerous Minds (My favorite Facebook group) not the American movie of that name please help them and contribute. I will post it later.


carlo243 said...

BTW could you re up the Youth Brigade.
