Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Voyager - We're The Ones LP

This Voyager band is from Tampa,


Windy Swillet said...

Many thanks for re-posting this so quickly, much appreciated. I think I have the following right...this 'Voyager' was a UK band (the first two links are for their first two albums). The third link is for an album by a different 'Voyager' - perhaps the Tampa band that you mention. The third album from the UK Voyager was as you say a self titled album from 1981, and if you do find the link for that one in your other drive, that would be great (see - - for the low down on the UK Voyager...many thanks

Windy Swillet said... mistake it's the first link for 'We're The Ones' which is the US band, and the second and third links ('Act of Love' and 'Halfway Hotel') are the UK band. Apologies for the confusion

Anonymous said...

Halfway Hotel is one of my fave tracks ever. Only thing I heard from them....Until now!
Thanks a lot

Unknown said...

Could you reupload it please?
