Monday, November 17, 2014

86 - Minutes In A Day EP 86 w Provocation LP 87

Great Atlanta band here!  I was just out there at a trade show.


Camarillo Brillo said...

I don't visit as often as I should, or make enough comments, but I just want to say, dude, your collection of vinyl is awesome, and I appreciate all the work you do. These guys sound pretty cool! Gonna crank 'em up tomorrow and give it a good listen on my vintage Pioneer HPM-100's...

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks for the comments guys. I have to recommend here the song "Kings Mountain" as a top goth song of all time!

Camarillo Brillo said...

I like what I'm hearing. A real treat to listen to stuff that I have never even heard of before.
Hard to compare then to anyone else...maybe Dream Syndicate...whatever, they rock!

Las Preswncias said...

Hello, here's all 86 operating: You got an absolutely terrific Blog man!
