Monday, September 22, 2014

39 Steps - st EP 85

This is a later band with a member of the Canadian punk band 222, here is the wiki ( )
Great EP here is the link:


nekrodad said...

This was not a side project for Chris. This is the band he formed after the 222. They did this EP and the album Neon Bible. Both have been remastered and you can get from his band camp. Chris also had the band Pillbox and also The Throbbing Purple. Btw great post.

Anonymous said...

Three of the four 222s were in 39 Steps, not only Chris Barry. although I think he wrote all the songs.

Anonymous said...

Can you re-up this?
Thank you for the great blog.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Link is back up but really....go to bandcamp!
