Friday, March 2, 2012

The Twisters - All Night LP 82

Please look to the title words above for a link to download this file.


Anonymous said...

Rapidshit link. Download takes forever, can't be bothered.

Jay IRC said...

So funny...people won't take 30 seconds to say "thanks", but they will take the time to bitch about a FREE record. How long would it take you to track this down and buy it? I'm guessing a lot longer than waiting for the fucking download.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Too bad too because that guy is gonna miss the live side 2 from the Twisters, on par with the one-sided live side by the Naughty Sweeties I posted a few months back (both slabs rare as hell). Yah Jay, maybe our little pipsquirt wants to start postin' the files he copped from me and lettin' people know about it in the notes where it is like his favorite Mediafire who shut me down after loyal service no three warning like youtube no clues only files I couldn't delete. At least youtube has decency now to grant me full length movie posting rights after I cleared all my questionable videos they at least warned me about. Sheeeesh!!!

Bernando said...

Almost as funny as reading comments like "the link doesnt work, fix it already".
