Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Amiee Allen - Ron Paul anthem (video)

As a Swede i have no place to even meddle in American election's in the first place...... just saying...... its to late now though.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Cool, never saw this one and nice to see Portand's Suicide Girls burlesque show as I haven't seen them for awhile now. A few weeks ago I saw a beautiful woman in a suburb here at a busy intersection holding a Ron Paul sign so good, I think the good old U.S.A. is waking up some citizens finally. As I am an old Ron Paul supporter from 2008, this year all I know is all the Republcans think it's good and trendy to support drilling in Alaska. The media knows we have a good a polluted memory with their chemicals (200 U.S. companies are now running things in our Govt. Alask wildlife reserve only has 1 year of oil at our rates--we decided long ago it is not worth drilling and creating another atrocity like Saskatchaun's Oil Sands or BP's two messes one down South and one identical one no one knows about a few years prior.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

LOL...guess I've become a "One Issue Voter" based on the environment like my folks have always been with Pro-Life.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hell, my dad's been "raking out government through the coals" for years with his tax fictional tax write-off's getting an old in-home tax audit that he passed with flying colors...Old Donald father...he told me to write-off all that tax money going only to military and not out-of-work family man with morals who loves Classic Country from the forties and Hillbilly balads that would drive a family of eight kids and multiple cousins into a dancin' frenzy to the ballad of utah karl...or carl not sure but take care anyways. nICE TO SEE YOU PABLO mARINEZ ON BERNANDO'S PREVIOUS COMMENT (ZHEEEESH YOU GOTTA PARDON THE INTERMEDIUM TRANSFERS I'M SO FOUND OF--"AT ANY RATE" TO QUOTE MY AQUARIUS MOM BUT ARE YUOU THE MAD BOMBER FROM BOMBER'S (PABLO THE BOMBER) AS HE STILL NEEDS TO POST THAT rare ro


y erickso

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

hELL, his grand-dad an immigrant grew up in Webster's Monistary (sp??) in old Minneapolis..

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

BTW BNDO while I have your attention, I have all the blog's old files but unorganized at this time, waiting on a move and a smartly negotiated interview promise we had (I didn't tell him the brand name of the electromic connector that will not vibrate loose and doesn't neet a little screw driver but is clamp on. At any rate, I digress, I wanted you to know without deleting some SOI comment like I just did as administrator but the early stuff, the first few months, that is the stuff I don't have like Mark's first post and you as administrator along with Jay IRC with a new girlfriend and he's busy I know. But as long as one of us or we should have Jay send an admin link to Brian Guy up in da Nort ya know! Like you and me...well I am 45th parallel. So yeah, I may not listen to that racist stuff now mixed in but I will I'm sure if that Venice Beach "Wizard" was correct and I make it to 96 or guys can carry on the blog. I may start a "70's 'magic' period of 70 - 74 Soul Music blog as I collect that too from the old $0.25 (cent) records I brought home by the arm load while living my last three years home with my parents and younger two sisters and base playing brother. At any rate, I can calm down a bit on the comments and I have to swap the "Burning Sensations" link mixed in the with the "Party Boys" awesome both BTW as they got swapped. Ha ha ha.

Bernando said...

I understand nothing of what you wrote. It's scarry how someone with English as their first language can get so entangled in their own vocabulary.
In English please?

Bernando said...

If your asking me if i "want the blogg" then no thanks. I went into this site as a contributour and dont plan to be anything else. I am happy to continue throw up a record or two every month but dont have the time or intrest to run it. Dont care who runs it as long as they dont cut back on my freedom of post. Seing how 95% of the people reading the blogg hate my posts it would be just plain awkward if i became Nr.1 admin.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

I said many times I do not run the blog. I'm just trying to identify who all the admin's are since I didn't appoint them Jay did. He's not around as much but he can contact me on facebook if he wishes. All I said is I hope someone passes it on because I respect Mark immensely for his vision and I never want to have to run it....maybe around St. Patrick's Day my namesake day. Yes, Bernando I have all your posts and just don't have time to listen to all though I like old Japanese and English Oi! Yes I use garble speech to 'rush write' and get out the words but yeah, just said I'm out of work again like many times here at the blog so I could write a little--I like to keep editing my self as my DAd was a linguistics college profeessor who encouraged people to join debate.

davidwolfsonnc said...

Ron Paul? Really? You mean the Ron Paul who is still against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? the Ron Paul who appears at John Birch Society events and supports their bigotry? the Ron Paul who is against abortion under any circumstances, including rape? the Ron Paul who has compared Social Security and Medicare, our social contract, to slavery? C'mon, you're smarter than this.

Bernando said...

No im obviously not.
Politics is the lesser of many evils and saving the constitutional rights and foreign politics such as working against Patriot Act,SOPA,War on drugs and US out of Israel is way more important than the right to abortion if you ask me.
Find a a politician that you support 100% on all grounds and call yourself lucky wolf.

Bernando said...

Wouldnt say that he is against abortion completly
