This release is from 1988 released on Rattlesnake Records. As I said in the last post I enjoyed pro-wrestling in the past, this little 7" has a tribute to one of my favourite wrestlers of all time, Abdullah the Butcher, real name Larry Shreeve, who I think finally retired last year. He also had a song about him done by AntiSeen called Dear Abby, but I digress. Enjoy!
Link Restored 1-17-2019: https://www16.zippyshare.com/v/y0Z5ASqG/file.html
Link Restored 1-17-2019: https://www16.zippyshare.com/v/y0Z5ASqG/file.html
Abdullah the butcher gets a lot of praise by punkrock bands. Have some old vinyl where Serial killers make a tribute to him. They also do a hate track to some wrestler named Invader one or something. Never been a big fan of wrestling but always enjoyed the not so serious attitude surrounding it.
Oh yes, Invader #I (José Huertas González)is probably the most hated wrestler of my generation for stabbing to death Brusier Brody (Frank Goodish) in a dressing room in Puerto Rico back in 1988. The sad thing is he got away with it. I think AntiSeen also did a cover of that song also or one like it. Yeah, I'm kind of a geek when if comes to wrestling prior to the '90's.
Brian Guy
Took a look at the vinyl and the song was by The bad vibes and was a cover of the song on the EP you just posted above this one. Love that song. I posted that EP i am talking about a while back. Dont know if you have it.
Oh yeah, that ep that you are talking about came with the Zine Carbon 14. it's a great ep, from a great zine.
That's one thing I miss about Tower Records going under, it's tougher to find zines anymore.
Brian Guy
Twilightzone posted another of their E.P.s recently. I pretty much forgot these guys since everything I had from them was on LP or 7". Thanks for posting this and reminding me.
Again, thank you for all the hard work and dedication. Would love a re-up for this one please.
ryk48 link is restored!
Thank you for the re-up. Ryk.
Thank you for the re-up. Ryk.
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