Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bunker 84 - Victime de democraties EP (1987)

RAC from France


Anonymous said...

fuck this rascist shit

Anonymous said...

Every time some RAC comes up there's a blurty whine about, whah!, whah! Leave the kid alone, read the guidelines. He can post whatever he wants to. That's the freedom of Western Europe, America and the internet. What, you want to take his rights away? Who's the real fascist then? If it even makes a difference, and it shouldn't, I'm not white or black. Know your enemy, if you wanna do something about it, do it outside of the internet, that's just a piss in the ocean and not very bold. So you disagree, wanna be brave fight fascism face to face in the streets...I have, why won't you? Of course times change and people can to, and those who I have spilled blood with are now welcome at my table. Society is an ugly leach on an otherwise beautiful world, are you doing something about it really?


Anonymous said...

He Elvis
This is still a fascist rascist record.
Why should we leave this "nazi-kid" alone??? Noone is taking away rights from anyone here!
People are simply not accepting fasism ... if you have a problem with that then don`t read comments
- don`t confuse cause and effect! and also why do you think you are the only one going out fighting fascism "on the streets"?
because "real men" don`t write anti- rascist comments in the net ?
Do you think people that protest here are shy skinny confused mommyheads that fear to go out in the real world where tough guys like you deceide who is the "real enemy"?
Do you think fasism is OK when it comes in little doses in the internet?
and by the way rascism and fascist music is is prosecuted in a lot of countries.

mrpoopy said...

Or at least learn how to spell "racist" properly.....

Jay IRC said...

It says very clearly in the sidebar...

P.S. No bitching, you are not a customer.
If you don't like the way we post, blog elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

You don`t have to be a customer to protst against fascism...

Bernando said...

Thanks for calling me a kid you guys. With my 29th birthday coming in a few days that really warms my heart.

By the way i post everything that is good music or intresting. The track called France on this EP is a classic skinhead track no matter what politics the members might have had.

Jay IRC said...

@ get shit for ARE NOT a customer. Don't like it? Fuck you. Go elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

fascism for free ?

Anonymous said...

I see...
people should be more grateful and swollow the little portion of fascist music and beliefs every now and then... is that you point Jay?
I prefer to stay anyway...

Jay IRC said...

@ anon...leave a name if you're so proud.

This blog is about whatever we want it to be...RAC? I don't listen to it, like it or post it, but if someone does, it's their right to. Wanna challenge their right to free speech? Not gonna happen here.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to my death your right to say it."


Bernando said...


This site dont need you since it doesnt run on profits. It runs on our pure love for music and the money we spend on records and the time we put down we all do for free.

The people we like on this site are people that are musiclovers and since they all have a diverce taste like we do we will keep posting music for all of them.

Instead of writing numbnut comments like "fascim is bad you are bad and an idiot i hate you" write what kind of bands you would like to see more of on the site and i can promise that someone will post it for you.

Ever since the dawn of this site people has been complaining about this and that and claiming they are never comming back but you always seem to be comming back. So to make your stay here (cause we all know you will be comming back) write me personally next time you have a problem with what i post at

Anonymous said...

I was not the one writing the first comment (but I 100% agree!)

I will come back because I am a music lover and you are posting some good music here...that is out of question
but that won`t stop me or others about protesting against fascist or rascist music.
You guys are spreading rascism and fascism and hide between some very weak arguments.

Why do you want to know my name???
It`s Simon, but where did I say I`m proud of something ????

Fighting for free speach is honorable, but Nazis deny exactly that right to others.
They even deny the right to life to those who don`t fit in their system.

I should know - I`m jewish I will fight those who fight my freedom (and existance!)only because of the color of my skin
or the nationality,race I was born into.

...and before you ask I`m not religios at all and I have nothing to do with israel politics.
I never actually never visited Israel - I`m living in Western Europe!

mel said...

you know why they come back to show you that they don't like nazi music and the internet is a freezone you have the right to post nazi music and we have the right to tell you that we don't like it!.

Jay IRC said...

There is a point here....there are records that have been downloaded 400-500 times....without a single "thanks"...but every time someone disagrees with a all have something to say. Say "thanks' FOR THE SHIT YOU LIKE, and ignore the shit you don't. Simple.

Bernando said...

Why protest the government cause one guy is politically uncomfortable (in this scenario telling Mark you dont like it)?
I have posted my email adress and since i am the only one posting RAC here it only concerns me. Let me know on a personal level if i upload something you dont like since it only concerns me. Yo are also wlecome to ask me about records you would like to see uploaded (and no i dont care about what the bandmembers vote be it left /right). You will all see that i am a quite nice guy when i aint out burning crosses and killing Jews in my brownshirt.

Nish said...

"Why protest the government cause one guy is politically uncomfortable (in this scenario telling Mark you dont like it)?
Huh?How did I get
Bernando ;)

You have to stop a second and think.
What have I done?What have you carried on?
What you have done is create!
Where no one speaks just takes & maybe says thanks,you have now sparked debate & thought.
Is that a bad thing?
Maybe that debate could wonder to other subjects...but I knew that particular subject would make punks talk.
It is good music,some of it.
It has a right to exist as long as people don't get along,& they never will.It is rebellious & fits the category as punk rock,like it or not.
Every people are proud of who they are & have a right to express that.
You may not like it but chances are your people have a similar view amongst them,not all but some :)

It's a human right to love hate or be indifferent to others.
What you do with that right is up to you.
I choose to be a nice person first to everyone regardless of race or creed.
It's easier to be a nice person & reaps better rewards in life.
My musical preference don't reflect that though...never have.
I like rough music lol.Death Metal,RAC...brutal lyrics...why?
Maybe because I'm not.
Everyone needs a release,everyones is different.

To those who critic...
Look closer at yourself & your own issues,don't deny you have none.
Be open & share your feelings in a calm and collected way,& respect others that may not feel or see things from your perspective.
Be good to each other.

You guys should make a post of it.A rant/debate post.You could have a link to it in your sidebar ;)
Just an idea,but I ain't The Man here no more lol.

Much Love from a very sunny South Florida

Bernando said...

You will always be the man in my life Mark ;)

It was meant to say Jay actually.

Yeah a political discusion sidebar would be a great idea...... if it was on another site that is.

ashamed of the human race said...

people have the right to hate yes they do but why should we be ok with that i'm sure not.people do have the right to express them self but as long as it does not violate there civil's the fucking 21 century why can't people just learn to love and not hate.

Anonymous said...

i enjoy bunker 84 and legion 88 and other RAC bands and i dont share any of their lyrics coz im dissagree. But, im glad someone shared this music. is up to you if you want to bite it and become an race hater.
