Saturday, September 11, 2010

Oi Polloi - Guilty 7''

Punk from Scotland
RR01 was released by Ruptured ambitions in 1994


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks for these Oi Polloi posts, I had forgotten that I enjoyed listening to them and from my "Gorm" heritage near Scotland a welcome nearby location to my interests. Got some time to kill here at my place in this Swedish backround of a town Northfield before the historic Jesse James gun battle reanactment at the bank downtown in an hour--high noon, lol-around the corner but alas outside. I used to have my toy guns and holtster as a youngster so this type of event appeals to me...real gun play

Bernando said...

Sounded like you where on drugs at first. Jesse James making cowboy roleplaying. Sounds like i am missin something there.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

You are right Bernardo, the role playing game is a bankrobbery that went askew because a teller said no to a bully, and the James Gang was no more. Two weeks later another small town festival is where he ran to in the two weeks after the 1876 Centennial Days.
