Thursday, August 19, 2010

Störstufe - S/T 7''

Oi!/RAC from Germany
A nonpolitical collaboration between two of Germany's biggest groups Störkraft & Endstufe.
Released by Rock-O-Rama records in 1991.


Bernd said...

These two groups are not ">two of the biggest" groups in Germany - they are only popular among Nazis

The Racing Rabbit said...

Anyway, fuck the nazis!

How can you post two of the most stupid bands that have ever emerged from stupid fuckin German nazi minds?

For me Punk is related to tolerance and those dumb fuckers don't even know how to spell that word.

Mallefix said...

Bernd is right
"two of germans biggest groups"
Who gave you that idea ????
Rammstein,Arzte and Beatsteaks are big in Germany - these two are Lightyears away from being even noticed by "normal" Music consumers.

bernando said...

oh dear lord. and since when was rammstein rac? i posted it as rac and they are two of the biggest racbands.

Anonymous said...

haha fuck you!
Thats not unpolitical......
Thats not OI !!
This is fuckin Nazi-Shit you fuckin Bastard!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernando..your are an Idiot!!
I cant believe what youre doing here !!
Youre A Fucking Nazi-Bastard!!

Anonymous said...

Its quite clear that the last 2 comments was from the same person. with the !! and the nazi-bastard stuff.
97% of the world hates people like the members in Endstufe so why go online and act like several persons?

Bernando said...

I just recieved my first death threat to my email since i started working on this site haha. I really dont hope that guy comes all the way from Germany to sodomice me and my family it would just be so awkward to explain to my mother and all.

Anonymous said...

Is your mother a Nazi too ?

Anonymous said...

awsome. sehr gut. excellentissime !
merci man

Anonymous said...

excellentissime. awsome. sehr gut.
the Endstufe one is superb!
merci man.

Anonymous said...

excellentissime. awsome. sehr gut.
the Endstufe one is superb!
merci man.

Bomp said...

This Nazi Crap really sucks.

It's absolutely dumb what you are doing here: Almost everybody hates this racist shit and the only ones to stay and not leave this blog are nazis like those who already posted "Let's kill some jews"-comments in the shoutbox and "unpolitical" dumbfucks like those who upload this shit.

However, nothing but a load of scum will remain here.
Congratulations / Fuck off.

I'm out.

SDP said...

"It's absolutely dumb what you are doing here: Almost everybody hates this racist shit and the only ones to stay and not leave this blog are nazis like those who already posted "

What is "dumb" is the way that people jump on any "nazi" post on music blogs, seemingly trawling for something they don't like then getting pissed off when they do. Instead, how about posting a comment all the times you downloaded some music you were interested in, and which someone has taken the time so upload? This blog has always been 100% ANTI-CENSORSHIP, and if you check all the way back to when it started, has a history of posting music by black artists (lots of reggae!), left-wing artists, right-wing artists, and - more often than not - artists with no outward political stance. I personally hate nazis, but I also despise humourless anti-nazi nazis who want to censor just as much as the right wing. And posting "nazi" music outside of it's context (such as on an actual nazi blog) is actually quite educational: although I rarely download such material, if I ever do it is almost always so stupid & embarrassing it becomes simply good to know that that type of music will only ever preach to the converted.

Anonymous said...

Is strage how "open minded" people like you alway find a way to judge fascism.
Spreading fascism is not educational it is a crime against humanity.

Nestor Makhno said...

Oh. Mann
wie kann man so blöd sein. Du solltest dich mal besser informieren was du da veröffentlichst. Aber nein er versteckt sich hinter seinem "freedom of speech" Act. Wie armselig. Nicht umsonst nennen wir die Amis "Flatheads". Aber es gibt zum Glück auch noch andere!!! Vielleicht sollte man dir ne Luftpumpe schenken. Und frag bloss nicht wofür!!!

Anonymous said...

image this would be porn with kids instead of Nazi - Rock.
Would that also be quite educational for you? (because you don`t get horny and wouldn`t download it ?)

Anonymous said...

It's so amusing how the people who want to preach tolerance absolutely have none. I'm neither left nor right. There is no party that represents my interests. I am my own being. I don't need a title to feel amplified. I'm in the center where the real "tolerance" and affection for the freedom of speech lies. All the morons who want to "censor, censor, censor" might as well blindfold us all and lead us back to the dark ages. Your pathetic and worse than the imaginary 'Nazi' demagogue threat you preach so hard against. If you want to fight real fascists do it in the street, not online like a big mouthed pansy.


Alex said...

Elvis, I guess you don't really understand what tolerance means and what it does NOT mean.
Tolerance does defenetly not mean accepting everything, accepting racist hate-lyrics for example.

It's somehow amusing, how nazis, who negotiate the value of other's lives because of their origin or "race", start moaning around when their ideology is not accepted and feel "discriminated" by this "intolerant" society.

They demand tolerance for their ideology, which is based on hate, arrogance and non-scientific gossip about human evolution!?
This anti-human ideology doen't deserve any tolerance because it preaches intolerance and hate by itself.

Not standing up against this is not "tolerant", it's just some kind of lazy ignorance.

Anonymous said...

pl post some shit with a car on the cover cos all cardrivers are scum even worse nazis: for them 6 millions are not enough, they wanna gas the whole planet.
i'm a rascist like the germs i'm against the human race.

Anonymous said...

Post commie bands like Banda Bassoti instead of nazi bands, and you´ll see these stupid kids will be shut up and don´t say a word.
Because punk ideology don´t say to hate communists, even if they have killed 30 million people...

People in punk are jut like Sheep!!!

Anonymous said...

Two Non Political bands? -.- Affraid to write down ''2 of the biggest nazi bands in germany''?

Jay IRC said...

@ Anonymous - It doesn't say "Two Non Political bands". It says "A nonpolitical collaboration" between the two bands. And it also says "OI!/RAC from Germany" very clearly right above that.

How much clearer would like it?


Anonymous said...

RAC means "rock against comunism"
not realy unpolitical



Bernando said...

Haha people are still commenting on this upload.
As i said they ARE two of the biggest rightwing bands in Germany but this was a politcally toned down project that they did together. RAC is political but it doesnt mean its racist. Many bands play RAC without adding racial motives in their songs. Lets not forget that even The Templars used to call themselfs RAC once upon a time.
