Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rear gunners - We don't want no nazi skins 7''

Oi! from UK
Released by Mad butcher records in 1999


Anonymous said...

Is this Rear Gunners the same Rear Gunners that later became the Buttocks Boys, the U.K.'s first openly gay skinhead band with lead singer Ian Champagne?

Unknown said...

Rear Gunners was a pseudonym used by the band The Fish Brothers, specifically for this release

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks for the clarification Sam:>}

Bernando said...

Thanks for info Sam. Have never heard of these Buttocks boys though. Where they any good?

Anonymous said...

The Buttocks Boys were great. Their best album is called, "Back Alley Action With All Me Mates." It is on Shaved Nutsack Records. Ian Champagne has a sex change operation in 2003 and now calls herself Ivana Champagne. Of all the gay UK skinhead bands (and there are hundreds), I think the Buttocks Boys were the best.

Bernando said...

Haha i have to look this up. A whole scene is there to be explored. I noticed most people dressing like "skins" in london where gay when i visited my sister in Hackney a few years back. I wonder how that come?

Anonymous said...

he's pulling your leg mate

Bernando said...

I understood that when i started looking around for some releases haha. Would have been great though.
