Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fortress - Victory or valhalla CD

RAC from Australia
This is Seize the day LP 92' & Fortress 93' on a collection CD released by Great white produktions in 1999.
Note: Freedom of speech so bugger of. Bottom line its good music.


Bernando said...

Hate to defend myself since no one should care but this record is one of the most complete records in any genre. Songs like We're sill alive, Phoenix rising, Life's a struggle and Defenders of the faith are all classic songs no matter what your political beliefs might be.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is what Discharge meant by, "Free speech for the DUMB." Har-dee-har-har-har!

Nish said...

Ballsy post!Sweet ;)

Anonymous said...

i'm sure that's what discharge meant.

Anonymous said...

there message make the music bad.


well you know my view on this stuff i need say no more.


shit music for shit people

Anonymous said...

Man, how weak! The Internet is full of good music and you're spreading RAC compost? Hell ya failed record dealer! That's the way it is!
FAILURE all the way through!
Just dissapointed!

Anonymous said...

man, that's poor. The internet is full of good music and you're spreading crap like this thanks to your freedom of speech. Well, you failed all the way though from record store to band.

Anonymous said...

man, that's poor. The internet is full of good music and you're spreading crap like this thanks to your freedom of speech. Well, you failed all the way though from record store to band.

Anonymous said...

Hate fuels the heart of everyman. Accept that we all cant be loved by everyone. But at the same time I wont deny another mans Thoughts and Views. Hate me if you must. Call me a Dutch bastard Wetback MUTT, But remember your words carry a reaction...RAC ROCKS when it is done right.

Nish said...

"you failed all the way though from record store to band
Sounds like your talkin to me lol,but why?
Not my post...Nothing to do with me.
Not very observant!
I'm not part of this blog any longer dumb dumb but I'm sure you'll still use me as scapegoat since bashing me is all you know how to do.
& to Gabe.If RAC is shit,you are like the flies on it.As soon as the shit comes out,you stick your ugly face in.You "need say no more"...but the trouble is you keep talkin.

Nothing wrong with controversial posts.Keep up the good work guys!

Bernando said...

Oh the love.
As long as Down underground flies the free speach banner i will continue to upload good music no matter left/right stance.
This being the first RAC upload after a whole heap of leftwing punk i uploaded i have now pinpointed down this sites readers.
Remember kids.... Facism is FUN! (Fuck yeah!!)


hey mark glad my talking upset's you.

Nish said...

Don't flatter yourself

subhumancaralarm said...

Oh dear lord. Don't you have your own site SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENTS? Why the hell are you always commin' in here bitchin' when theres shit you don't like? Preach your fuckin' facism somewhere lese this is a musical site not political.

mrpoopy said...

Well, if you need to own one Nazi CD this would be the one to have--one of my all-time faves of the genre. Brutal, thuggish, yet passionate and rocks in it's own bonehead sort of way. I've owned this thing for years and never tire of it. Tell the PC Police to go save the world someplace else.

Bryn said...

Most of the time I've tried the Nazi rock, the words make me too mad to rock out to the tunes, but I'll give this a listen and form my own opinion.

Anonymous said...

"Australians" (like "Americans") are all (armed) illegal aliens. Deport these fuckers where they belong: Back to Europe!

Marek said...

jaja...da jaulen die linksfaschisten wieder rum :D Ist schon ein armseliges Leben wenn man nichts zu tun hat und den ganzen tag auf Blogs rumhängt,in der der hoffnung das mal "Nazimusik" hochgeladen wird. Und wenns dann endlich mal soweit ist wird sofort ein riesen Fass aufgemacht und die rundum Nazikeule geschwungen :D Erinnert mich immer an die linkskriminellen ex-SED'ler (Die Linke) die sofort jeden öffentlich niedermachen der nicht die totale "Political Correctness" vertritt! Dabei merken sie noch nicht einmal das sie so weit nach links gelaufen sind,das sie ganz weit rechts wieder rausgekommen sind!
