Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Too cool for $15 ! Unbelievable...
I'm addicted ! Funny,It makes me feel like a little kid playing in a sandbox.
Highly Recommended!!


brekinapez said...

Are you playing Battlefield: Zeroes? Real men play Battlefield 2 and all the mods for it.

Nish said...

Real men huh...I'll have to check that one out.
Do you die as many times?lol
This one has me dying 100 times to my 10 kills.Either I suck (I'm sure I do) or this is one hard mother to master.
I won't even mention flying...

brekinapez said...

I've been playing BF2 for 4 years 4 months and I can tell you as of this writing I've died 18,406 times, but I have killed 22,299 people in return (stats sites are awesome). But I did die a lot in the beginning. I used to play BF1942 on dial-up against people on cable/dsl. Good times. I have only recently started to get serious about flying jets and choppers (I use a joystick), as I had been concentrating on grunt skills like sniping, special ops, and engineering. I'm also an armor whore. Any game where I can drive a German Panther G gets my vote. This is me:

People I know who play BF2 who played the 1943 betas or got the game in the beginning all agreed it was fun for a bit, but because the game is a bit neutered with respect to all other Battlefield games coupled with the small initial number of maps it had them dropping it and returning to BF2 or CoD (the zombie game Left For Dead is popular, too - you should try it if you haven't already). Since you're a console guy (BF2 is PC only) you can get more of the experience by picking up BF: Bad Company 2 when it comes out:

If that didn't freak you out for some oddball reason, get a used copy of the first one in the meantime. Good thing about the Bad Companys is they use a newer engine and have more destructible objects. Hoping that BF3 delivers that.

Great thing about the PC version is I can download mods for free and play the game in the modern combat setting, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, or even the Stargate universe.

Oh, and 64 player servers for the online game. That's you and 31 team mates against the enemy, dude.

brekinapez said...

Here's some in-game footage of me being mediocre the other night:

Nish said...

Cool vid
It looks like a very stealthy game.
I'm about as stealthy as an elephant lol.

Yeah I can see how 1943 could get monotonous.
I think that's part of what I like...the mindlessness of just running into battle ;)

I'm doing much better,less than a week into it and I'm shooting and flying much better.
It's hard for me to be quick.
My reaction time isn't what it used to be.

Hey,I loved the one time you died on your vid...the time your body flew up in the air like a ragdoll.
lol,cool ;)

