Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sounds good to me.I love Glenn Beck


bob said...

glenn beck is great. something i dont see in music blogs very often. we need more like him.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Glen Beck is batshit insane! I love our country, but this self-righteous "greatest country on earth" bullshit makes me sick. No need to apologize? Really? Not for slavery? Not for Japanese internment camps? This attitude that the US can do no wrong is just sickening.

Anonymous said...

When you do so many good things no there is no need to apoligize for the little bad that goes on for the good.
I'm right on with this mark,you fuckin rule

Nish said...

I like him & have much in common with him (having a diabled child and his concerns).
Yep Glenn is great and it would be in shame if those Lib's try to suss him.

brekinapez said...

It would be a shame if the Lib's try to come to understand him? I'm not sure why that would be undesirable.

tonyme7 said...

slavery from over a hundred years ago this argument is used for current times? . did you know there are more slaves now in other countries today then there were back then. you bring up the japanese but during what time did this occur. perhaps the time they joined aliances with nazi germany. lets not also forget the brutality they dealt against the chinesse. history is a constant lesson in the making so we learn from it. if this is not the best country then what country is? you claim to love this country then what is wrong in showing a little pride. maybe you should do some research and compare. try the middle east for example or parts of africa or china, cuba etc... i work with people from different countries who still love their country and are not ashamed to show it but are happy to be here because of the endless opportunities. What is wrong with us doing the same. if you disagree with something speak out but do it because you know this country kicks ass and it shouldnt be tolerated. Glenn beck has been right on it this past week and i hope he continues. who is going after his advertisers hmm an activist leader for a group called the color of change who happens to be a czar appointed by obama. okay so bush sucked i agree but now we have a new president and now we are in worse shape in just a matter of 7 months. the only thing he has acomoplished is his stupid apology tour. america is always to blame right! mark i hope you check out the drudgereport.com from time to time.

J said...

Funny, I don't remember seeing that pledge during the EIGHT FUCKING YEARS Bush was in office. Also, Glenn Beck is a crybaby moron who can eat a bag of dicks.

Anonymous said...

Phrased a bit right-wing, but with a little modification I could come to terms with this jpeg. (lol!)

cultureshot66 said...

So is anyone advocating a "Love it or leave it" attitude here?
From where I stand america leads in some really worthwhile things - medicine and technology come to mind BUT U.S. politicians/policies have made the splits wider.
What say you flag wavers?

cliff said...

Mark, it's official: You're an idiot.

Love the blog, love the music you share, but you're an idiot.

Nish said...

That the best you got Cliff?
I'm sorry it's so hard for you to respect others opinions,you lash out calling names.
But I'm the idiot,right?

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck was the original bassist for the Sex Pistols. when he got kicked out, he formed Beck's Pistols.

tonyme7 said...

lets remind people like xjerryx that bush is no longer president! i think the love it or leave it motto should be addressed mostly to politicians. if they love this country then they need to do what is best for it. If not then they need to get the fuck out.

Anonymous said...

Yes we have a great country, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world. But that's not to say we don't make our fair share of fuck-ups, just like any other country, regardless of whether conservatives or liberals are in power. My point was merely that we could afford a little more humility! We SHOULD apologize for the atrocities we commit, there is nothing wrong with admitting your mistakes. This attitude that America should never have to apologize for its wrongs is sickening. Saying we have a great country isn't enough for you redneck bible-thumping bigots, we gotta be THE GREATEST country! Its kinda retarded. You want more examples of our missteps? How about how we tore the shit outta Iraq even though they had nothing to do with 9/11, and didn't have the WMD we claimed they did. Declaring war on a country under false pretenses is pretty fucked up IMO. Our how about the disgraceful ways we treat the "detainees" from that war? We'd never stand for OUR citizens or troops being treated in such ways, now would we?

Philthy said...

Declaring war on a country under false pretenses is more than "pretty fucked up" It's a goddamn war crime under the Nuremberg statutes.

-No wMD
- One Million Dead Iraqis, 2 million Refugees.
-So called free elections, and a US proxy in power.


Aesop said...

Glen Beck/Fox News=Der Sturmer.

Anonymous said...

The Japaneese tortured American soldiers in WWII, using techniques not unlike those we use in Guantanamo. And after the war, do you know what happened to the Japaneese officials who sanctioned it? They were tried for war crimes and executed.

Nazz Nomad said...

I have no problem with these five declarations.

However, bear in mind that we did have a balanced budget (plus a surplus) under Clinton.
Bush fucked up #1, #2 and #3 big time.

And Glenn Beck is an asshole.
