Monday, May 18, 2009

From Pushead to me.From me to you...(1985)

Once upon a time I had a record shop
It was a specialty Punk record shop.I tried to carry things that no one else would,things that most folks didn't even know existed.Those records weren't easy to find back in those days.I worked through individuals,bands & distributors.

One day I called one of my regular distributors and to my delight Brian (Pushead) Schroeder answered my call.He had just started working there.Needless to say my collection got alot bigger.Eventually he left there but we continued to work together privately.

Anyways...This is the only surviving tape I have that he sent me.
He would send me tapes regularly to give me a taste of what I could purchase from him.

These recordings are all released but some are still in a raw state.


I left out the Terveet Kadet - The Horse Lp (if you like I can post that too).
I also left out the Negazione Ep (because it's just the record),the Poison Idea (because it's just one song from a comp) & the Final Warning track (because that get's cut).


So there you have it.Hope you enjoy & find it interesting.

Get Them Here:




Christ On Parade:DU



Aesop said...

I loved the store, it was their I first heard Discharge, Amebix, Rudimentary Peni...

Anonymous said...

A punk record store? What's so special(ty) about that?!


Slobodan Burgher said...

darn cool stuff! more like this please

Anonymous said...


I think it was a time when even some "store-owners" put their heartblood into "their" scene. Idea(l)s were more important than big $$$...Something I can´t imagine to find today... anybody?


