PS:For those paranoid few,your E-Mail address won't go anywhere.
It's me & blogger buddies for christ sake lol.It's a SAFE SITE ;)
Hook up!
seems like it is no longer possible to comment to that Nazi record - so I have to do it here ´This is a reply to Marks last comment.
You are posting real Nazi Music - so why not stay here (by the way you don`t know which other sites I visit).
Posting Turkish Music has nothing to do with what the Turkish did to the Armenians in the beginning of 20th century.Being turkish is not an idiology.Is`s something you become by birth. Being Nazi is an idiology (you make a choice!)
"If you take the lyrics to songs that seriously you have a problem & need to get a life." That`s true Mark, but the Nazi Musicians from some bands here obviously take their lyrics very serious.
You already posted Music from people who actually killed because of racism. You Knew that! You didn`t care! You are helping to spread Nazi idiology round the globe. You are either bound to fascism or you are just an useful idiot for fascists.
"Oh I see,to you i've lost attitude because my attitude isn't the same as yours lol." No you`re wrong again - f.e a Nazi has an attitude, you Mark just pretend that all your actions has nothing to do with anything. You only support your family? Nice phrase - but I also have phrase for you: Action speaks louder than words.
"I support nothing but my family. When I post Reggae,does that mean I support Rastas lol.Punk,does that mean I support vandalism and anarchy?How about Metal,then I support drinking blood and satan :) Dork" Ha Ha Ha - you like the easy way out of any reposibility Hmm Mark you mean "speading hate idiology" doesn`t mean you are a hater yourself? I guess Osama Bin Laden would come up with something similar if he will ever been cought. "Hey man - teaching Terror doesn`t mean I`m a terrorist too - I only support my family !"
Their is an significant difference between Punk,Metal and Nazi Music Mark - I guess you`ll never get that!
By the way does Punk just means Vandalism and Anarchy to you???
"You are the Nazi,the one who can't stand diversity,the hater and the intolerant one." You mean someone who protest against fascist Music is the real fascist, because killing for racism or the call to Racist crimes is a sign of diversity?? What sick argumentation is that???
If someone would rape your daughter you would say: I don`t like that, but it is OK to child molester cause it just shows the great diversity of human life?
Maark,I don't need to defend my right to post what I like nor do I feel the need to defend my personality. For your information,Turks to this day deny the Armenian holocaust. Imagine if Germans did that too. But...that was the past.
Hate is all around us. Don't feel left out.I hate everyone,equally...well,you a little bit extra lol.
Oh and right me...Punk means a crying little bitch named Maark.
Action speaks louder than words Yeah well I'm busy preforming the actions of a husband and father. I haven't the time to go on little Nazi crusades on the internet like yourself.
If someone would rape your daughter you would say:
Only a dirty fuck like yourself would come up with something like that.
I never said I was perfect but I'm damn glad I'm not like you.
Don't comment again. Your future comments will be deleted.You've had your say & your done.
LMAO... No dummy.The ad's have to be there.That's what makes the site free.Why else would they offer a free Network.Someone has to make money...but it ain't me lol.
I could upgrade the site.It wouldn't have ad's then...but I'd have to pay for it.I don't want to pay,so...there they are,the ad's.
You are right. I apologize for the generalization. Not all Turks. Not all of any people are any sort of way.To generalize is not nice. you said "the Government" is that way. Sadly Governments control our lives and teach our children,thankfully Nazi's aren't part of any Government today. If Germany had a Nazi Government today it could be a comparison. Such a small percentage of people are Nazi. Are the percentage of Turkish people who recognize the Armenian genocide as large as the percentage of Germans who recognize the Jewish Holocaust? I guess not,or the Government there would have to change that right?
nazis are in some local german governments already - in some parts of germany they have votes up to 20%. (mostly eastern germany) (14.000 violent attacks by Nazis have been counted last year in germany - so said a government offical - he also that that they assume a much higher "dark number")
In Austria up 30% of people under the age of 22 voted the far right. Their is a very strong Fascist movement going on in France and Italy also.. ... but you true that the genocide of the armenians is a forgotten crime - and that`s a real shame!
I personally like your blog very much - by i cannot understand you posting and defending nazi music. the "mark from holland" guy did have some very good arguments i guess (but also a drastic way to state them).
First off,I'm not defending Nazi music only the right to post whatever. As I've said,I have Reggae,Metal,Country,New Wave,Punk...I post every angle. I have posted Communist music also (and will again when I find more).
It's up to the viewer to choose what they download. Let's face it...Anything can be offensive to someone.
Why do you think there is such a revival of Nazism in European countries? I think to stop it your countries need to address the underlying issues that make desperate people turn to drastic beliefs. I can't speak for Europeans but here in the States it's usually people feeling pushed.Pushed together when they want seperation.
Example: My Fathers side of the family are all Armenian.They moved to the U.S. in the '70s,to New Jersey. They won't leave the immediate area ever! They feel comfortable close to each other.
Most Black & White people are the same.Even if they had the opportunity they prefer to live amongst themselves.
I think maybe it's the same type reason in Europe.Immigrants move in and change the local town to where you need to speak a different language and have to deal with different alien religions and ways of life.
A sort of greying over of natural cutoms and culture. People don't like that.People are proud of who they are and don't want it distorted.
Here in America we have no true 1 culture,so... we don't understand as well.
I must say,I would hate to visit a country in Europe,let's say Germany,and when I get off the plane be greeted in Farsi. Hell,to tell you the truth,I'm bothered when I go to a Middle Eastern restaurant and I see the cook is Japanese :) You know what I mean?
Sorry for ranting on...I like this conversation.Thanks
Immaterial - Scratching The Surface,, VA - What's Going On Here? comp 1967,
Swingers - Witchdoctor Blues, Lost In Aggression,
Paul Mowbray - Old Friends 1982, WOMBELS - Fast And Bouncy
4 Minute Warning (UK82 Band)
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Gary Floyd Memorial (Click picture for interview)
R.I.P. Teresa Taylor drummer for the Butthole Surfers
She really made our scene and a wonder to watch at shows click the picture
Thanks to Joe Carducci meta friend and former co-owner of SST records for posting this great Piece!
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Great contributors
are what makes this blog special
Thanx To Them!!
`````````````````````````Wildevilman (now has his own punk blog--see blogroll below), Mark Underground (Blog Creator--retired), JayIRC Mark's mini me skinhead hardcore-like-Viacom,`Oi! Boot Bhoy!, Brian Guy (Most ECLECTIC/Hip taste), Count YORGA (another GERMAN like Max And WDM listed first ), BERNANDO old contributor from Swedish Oi!, Record Nerd sent in good stuff to search, our neighbor hardcore punk blogger, Dr. DRUNKRUINSITFOR EVERYBODY now defunct, Dr. Phibes, Jughead, Donut Duck our SST expert, Jungle Jim our radio station raider (another SST specialist), Siobhán Long's sister helps me to make sure I have the country of origin correct, Jim H our record clerk in the store, search for E.W. (Eliot Wilder) from Mondo Exploito blog below) Mutt and The Revenants to get the wildest OBSCURO overlooked classics!!!, ClassicMusic20 our 70/80’s music expert from Canada sends in his requests and files as does Jon H witness to live show with the Brains who keeps me up on the scene per his submissions that open our minds!!!, Muddymike for encouragement (HANX!!), Angstytimelord [R.I.P. from Diabetes] who lost her vinyl collection on a move like many and is THEE BEST expert/authority regarding 1980's music, nuttyniki and angel for their submissions of great music. 80sonspeed, Isksp (Brazil) and Punknotprofit (got me to into blogging and helped me find DU blog) now all are defunct, EricC who has seen a lot of shows and all around helper like AJ (Themes for Great Cities & Dimension of the Mind blogs), Jonder at Jokonky blog with Stinky & Art58Koen who make cool compilations from extensive searches, also Richard over there who has made key requests at DU,, Nathan Nothin' blog former show promoter and early DU blog follower with own blog now, Bill Nelson fanatic, MC5 & Marvin Gaye tour 71 live witness to them and with the best Trip Hop/Dub, revB old school music well of info, Gabe (great studied requests), S.D. Joe big Foghat fan, BigDogDave, mrRadio, Sergey, Farris, Psychfan, jimi2770 from Discog store for regular requests and comments to keep file links up & organized, Rixboy from Australia, Carol Ann, Josef from Austria who saw Jefferson Airplane in Santa Barbara first tour or so with deep music knowledge (clued me on 27$ Snap On Face), Kostas from his great blog Urban Aspirines, Josh DeSlasher, Retro Hound, JohnnyChump and George Leroy Tirebiter for helpful regular comments, and it is I, Viacomclosedmedown on YouTube (no longer also used to be 'CorridorsofPower named after Gary Moore's 1984 album first youtube channel also shuttdown! as Darby Crash (R.I.P.) would say) your current host and RIP master to complain to about stitched-together mp3 rips I do and for requests, content creator and holder of better quality WAV files of all the posts I do at 15 per week since 2008 on various external CD-ROM hard drives in my Walmart Fireproof Waterproof safe
This one for you ClassicMusic20. I know you want trendy Yacht Rock for your radio but calling soft Christian rock by that genre just to get me to buy something won't work and never putting a penny of your own money for anything while using pressure buy to make me buy the last one on Discogs is lame for lame music my Goodwill steals are R.L. Burnside used to say live.
seems like it is no longer possible to comment to that Nazi record - so I have to do it here
´This is a reply to Marks last comment.
You are posting real Nazi Music - so why not stay here (by the way you don`t know which other sites I visit).
Posting Turkish Music has nothing to do with what the Turkish did to the Armenians in the beginning of 20th century.Being turkish is
not an idiology.Is`s something you become by birth.
Being Nazi is an idiology (you make a choice!)
"If you take the lyrics to songs that seriously you have a problem & need to get a life."
That`s true Mark, but the Nazi Musicians from some bands here obviously take their lyrics very serious.
You already posted Music from people who actually killed because of racism.
You Knew that!
You didn`t care!
You are helping to spread Nazi idiology round the globe.
You are either bound to fascism or you are just an useful idiot for fascists.
"Oh I see,to you i've lost attitude because my attitude isn't the same as yours lol."
No you`re wrong again - f.e a Nazi has an attitude, you Mark just pretend that all your actions has nothing to do with
anything. You only support your family? Nice phrase - but I also have phrase for you:
Action speaks louder than words.
"I support nothing but my family.
When I post Reggae,does that mean I support Rastas lol.Punk,does that mean I support vandalism and anarchy?How about Metal,then I support drinking blood and satan :)
Ha Ha Ha - you like the easy way out of any reposibility Hmm Mark
you mean "speading hate idiology" doesn`t mean you are a hater yourself?
I guess Osama Bin Laden would come up with something similar if he will ever been cought.
"Hey man - teaching Terror doesn`t mean I`m a terrorist too - I only support my family !"
Their is an significant difference between Punk,Metal and Nazi Music Mark - I guess you`ll never get that!
By the way does Punk just means Vandalism and Anarchy to you???
"You are the Nazi,the one who can't stand diversity,the hater and the intolerant one."
You mean someone who protest against fascist Music is the real fascist, because killing for racism or the call to Racist crimes is a sign of diversity??
What sick argumentation is that???
If someone would rape your daughter you would say:
I don`t like that, but it is OK to child molester cause it just shows the great diversity of human life?
Think again Mark!
So Maark from Holland....does this mean you're gonna join Down Underground?
LOL,Jay :)
Maark,I don't need to defend my right to post what I like nor do I feel the need to defend my personality.
For your information,Turks to this day deny the Armenian holocaust.
Imagine if Germans did that too.
But...that was the past.
Hate is all around us.
Don't feel left out.I hate everyone,equally...well,you a little bit extra lol.
Oh and right me...Punk means a crying little bitch named Maark.
Action speaks louder than words
Yeah well I'm busy preforming the actions of a husband and father.
I haven't the time to go on little Nazi crusades on the internet like yourself.
If someone would rape your daughter you would say:
Only a dirty fuck like yourself would come up with something like that.
I never said I was perfect but I'm damn glad I'm not like you.
Don't comment again.
Your future comments will be deleted.You've had your say & your done.
Just took a look - saw the google ads - trying to make money from ripping Music?
Not my kind of business
and "mark from Holland" is totally right - respect!
No dummy.The ad's have to be there.That's what makes the site free.Why else would they offer a free Network.Someone has to make money...but it ain't me lol.
I could upgrade the site.It wouldn't have ad's then...but I'd have to pay for it.I don't want to pay,so...there they are,the ad's.
"For your information,Turks to this day deny the Armenian holocaust."
The Turkish government does that- sad but true, not Turks in general!
"Imagine if Germans did that too.
But...that was the past."
Some gemans do - the are called NAZIS!
You are right.
I apologize for the generalization.
Not all Turks.
Not all of any people are any sort of way.To generalize is not nice. you said "the Government" is that way.
Sadly Governments control our lives and teach our children,thankfully Nazi's aren't part of any Government today.
If Germany had a Nazi Government today it could be a comparison.
Such a small percentage of people are Nazi.
Are the percentage of Turkish people who recognize the Armenian genocide as large as the percentage of Germans who recognize the Jewish Holocaust?
I guess not,or the Government there would have to change that right?
no - not exactly right
"Such a small percentage of people are Nazi."
that may be true for the USA but...
nazis are in some local german governments already - in some parts of germany they have votes up to 20%. (mostly eastern germany)
(14.000 violent attacks by Nazis have been counted last year in germany - so said a government offical - he also that that they assume a much higher "dark number")
In Austria up 30% of people under the age of 22 voted the far right.
Their is a very strong Fascist movement going on in France and Italy also..
... but you true that the genocide of the armenians is a forgotten crime - and that`s a real shame!
I personally like your blog very much - by i cannot understand you posting and defending nazi music.
the "mark from holland" guy did have some very good arguments i guess (but also a drastic way to state them).
oh and sorry didn`t know the reason why there is advertisement on your network - i understand now!
First off,I'm not defending Nazi music only the right to post whatever.
As I've said,I have Reggae,Metal,Country,New Wave,Punk...I post every angle.
I have posted Communist music also (and will again when I find more).
It's up to the viewer to choose what they download.
Let's face it...Anything can be offensive to someone.
Why do you think there is such a revival of Nazism in European countries?
I think to stop it your countries need to address the underlying issues that make desperate people turn to drastic beliefs.
I can't speak for Europeans but here in the States it's usually people feeling pushed.Pushed together when they want seperation.
My Fathers side of the family are all Armenian.They moved to the U.S. in the '70s,to New Jersey.
They won't leave the immediate area ever!
They feel comfortable close to each other.
Most Black & White people are the same.Even if they had the opportunity they prefer to live amongst themselves.
I think maybe it's the same type reason in Europe.Immigrants move in and change the local town to where you need to speak a different language and have to deal with different alien religions and ways of life.
A sort of greying over of natural cutoms and culture.
People don't like that.People are proud of who they are and don't want it distorted.
Here in America we have no true 1 culture,so... we don't understand as well.
I must say,I would hate to visit a country in Europe,let's say Germany,and when I get off the plane be greeted in Farsi.
Hell,to tell you the truth,I'm bothered when I go to a Middle Eastern restaurant and I see the cook is Japanese :)
You know what I mean?
Sorry for ranting on...I like this conversation.Thanks
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