You wanted him...You got him. The Messiah now runs the show.
The answer to everyones problems. We don't have to worry about anything anymore. He's gonna fix it all and we will live in the land of milk & honey. We'll see...
Mark, You have created a wonderful blog that is much appreciated by old punx and music mavens like myself. It makes no difference to me what side of the fence you're on and I realize that this is your blog and I respect that. My only question for you is - what is this fixation you seem to have with bigotry, because let's be honest here. This doesn't seem like open-mindedness or individualism. This seems a little more like closet racism to me and if that's your true stance, that's fine with me. Just tell it like it is. At least it would be more transparent to the rest of your bloggers who are looking fo the old music they love. Most folks aren't really interested in being slowly injected with anyone else's fears or resentments. Perhaps it's me who's view is askewed here but then again I'm not the one pushing my views under the guise of 'punk rock'. Either way, I appreciate all of your efforts in getting the music out. It is an awesome service you are performing to a dying breed. Peace to you and yours
Not bad for a half white guy, ain't that right? :)
Personally, I think Obama is going to bridge the gap between both parties, unite the nation as a whole, and most importantly, give us a better image across the universal pond.
The Republicans lost the Senate, House, and the chief in command. The GOP needs a new identity and it's gonna be hard because the younger generation isn't going to buy into the religious right and certainly won't tolerate the snoby super wealthy who seem to get raises year after year yet still hire "temps" and only part timers so they can cut costs to run their show. Their ideology of small government ballooned into a government of regulation and expenditures.
But it won't be easy. The repair work and the neglect of the former powers need to be addressed first.
Yeah, I'm pretty damn excited if you can't tell. :)
butthurt? we shall see after six months in office. given his involvment with acorn his stand on the 2nd ammendment his comment of spreading the wealth and how raising taxes on corp and upperclass is going to help the middle and lower class? his affiliation with jeremy wright his voting record
i hope you are right roboshito. but judging that the dems have control of the house and senate minus overturning a filabuster. and based on what the networks were saying that obama should work towards the center on both sides but they are not sure since they do not know what his agenda is! which i would think would be prime reason you would vote for someone based on their agenda. plus the fact he won by a majority he could pretty do what he wants. bottom line we do not know who this guy is. not to paraphrase obama but i do HOPE he supercedes my expectations and proves me wrong in being the right choice as president.
@Anthony - we're just going to have to weather the storm and see what happens. The GOP done themselves in with poor management the last ..... 6 years? Rather than facing the issues, Dubya and crew kept covering them up. McCain lost mainly because of Dubya. Palin didn't help either. She has her core fans but she's far too conservative for many of us. And if McCain just played himself, rather than the "mean and negative" McCain, he may have won more votes. But the GOP needs a new identity. The once strong party is in total disarray. And when they stop whoring out Jesus like some merchandise, then perhaps I'll open my ears to them a bit more.
Personally, I would have liked to see the House and Senate to be more balanced but hey, it is what it is. Now the Dems can either shine or fall face down first since they do have more control over the repubs.
Wag more, bark less. It ain't no GOP country no mo'. Cheers.
i'm so glad obama won i beleave he will bridge the gaps.for too long now left and the right have been fighting one anothere.we must work togethere to fix this nation and make it the great nation it should be now is the time to heal not fight
I take no great comfort in Senator Obama's win last night. While I felt no great affinity for either of the two major candidates, I can't keep from feeling that Obama will disappoint the nation. He is a crusader and crusaders will always sacrifice everything for the sake of the cause. But the what the hell do I know, I have yet to vote for a candidate that won a presidential election. . .0 for 5 and feeling no shame!!
How very sad that Obama (who seems like a nice bloke) was voted in, simply for the colour of his skin. Thats what it appears like from here anyway
I've just watched 95% of my National news on your election and saw 1000's of black people celebrating. I can understand the older oppressed generations being so happy after what they have gone through.
What I cannot understand is the youngsters being so overwhelmed with this great black hope just because he is the same colour as they are.
Tell me I'm wrong but surely this is most "racist" election of all time.
How about the notion that black america voted for a positive black male role model that isn't an athlete or a rapper? Jurgen (and others), your assesment that he was voted in because of race may be somehwat correct, but how many people voted for McCain because he is white? He certainly had no platform or charisma.
Convertido,there's never shame in voting for what you believe to be right.
Jurgen,You hit the nail on the head.Thanks :)
And Joe... You wanna know me lol. I haven't a thing to hide. I really don't care what people think about me :) I like to say things the way I see 'em. Sometimes people don't like others being honest. If you ask me straight up questions I'd be glad to give you the answer.My answer. Am I racist? Only as much as the folks people claim I'm racist against. If you consider Blacks to be racist...Then I am also. My fixation as you call it is due to having to deal/live with a lopsided racism. Here in America Blacks somehow got a free pass.And they expect it (see the video). If you have more questions,by all means don't be shy. Don't make me ask the questions then answer them too.
As I've said before.I have NO white guilt and feel I owe no one anything.I tell It the way I see it. I'm an open book.
Thanx for enjoying my blog ;)
PS I'm not pushing anything lol. My views are...My views. It's ok to disagree.
61% of the people who voted for Obama were white, so the "voting for your own color" card doesn't apply here.
And @ Anthony: the stuff you mentioned is all bullshit. Do a little REAL research instead of sticking solely to FOXNews and blogs with obvious agendas.
brekinapez just shows his voting record none of this was from fox news or anything else the other links were some questions being raised that were just were thrown out and never answered something to think about. you dont need to respond i do my research heavily but to say i dont do enough research and call it bullshit i dont think you are open for discussion your mind is made up
i think alot of this election had to do with race. i dont thik it is a bad thing but i'm passed it whatever nationality is running for office if they have good ideas and a smart agenda i'm going to vote for that person. i think people were taken into the hype of the first black president and overlooked and did not focus on his agenda. what is obamas agenda? i'm asking because i dont know. this is just my opinion and i could be wrong but why?
Sorry Anthony - I voted Obama strictly because he's half-white.
I'm half white, he's half white what more do you want? :)
But on a serious note, if you don't know his agenda, it shows that you really didn't do your research about him, no? Of course if you simply X'd Obama out simply because it was a character issue rather than an agenda issue then my point is mute.
In the grand scheme of things, if you compare McCain's agenda, there isn't really much of difference between the two other than some variables and of course that they belong to two different parties. The main differences that stand out are their tax policy, what to do with the Iraq war, and healthcare reform. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama asks McCain to be an advisor for him.
i kinda agree with you robashito i think both parties are not who they say they are and need to be broken up i think they have similar agendas that are not good for the country but are good for their parties. i did alot of research on obama hence his voting record that someone commented as bullshit. but he could tell obama that not me since it is obamas record. but we will see i do hope for the best. this could go on and on i'm trying to be optimistic but i dont think people voted for him for the right reasons either because of bush or the war the economy which i think both parties are to blame but that is all past now if obama does not correct things or things get worse then what. dems are now in control what will be the excuse then.
First thing first - correct the blunders that Bush did.
We need international help to fight wars. The days of Rambo-esque thinking is over. We aren't the strongest military anymore.
Stop torture. One makes another nation not torture our own soldiers when we do it. It's not humane or wise.
Don't let the religious right have too much say in our policies. Morals should be taught within the family, not churches or forced into law.
No Child Left Behind needs revamping or simply tossed out.
And most importantly, don't expect the gov. to solve all of our problems. We as citizens need to be held accountable - from educating our children, keeping your debt to a minimum, reducing our dependency with oil, and be employeed. Work dammit and stop bitchin' about how you hate your job. If you hate it, go back to school.
Why do I post these thing? Co'mon man lmao. You ALL love it. Everyone loves to battle. It ok.You have to know it is ok. Just watch your words.Respect others.We are all one people who through this type of conversation find ourselves. Question everything. Be smart. Respect everyone.
no i'm serious most people believe the ideal of being conservative is being religious, rednekk etc.. but the heart of it is that you believe the government is not the answer to our problems "aka reagonism" raising taxes on corporations and the rich is going to help the middle class really? i work in IT as a contractor "loophole for companies to avoid taxes and benefits" i see that increasing along with outsourcing but yes you nailed it you are conservative. which confuses me as to why people voted for obama
Redneck...Well,I am a bit.It's where I live. I'm an ass kicking hippie hater. I'm not a pacifist.I will hit you in the head if you insult/push or fuck with me. Oops...guess thats the way it is. I accept violence as a part of today and am ready to be if need be. :)
Nothing wrong with rednecks.They've kept me alive.
You know, for someone who's so big on being open-minded and thinking for yourself, you are sure uptight, freaked out, and reactionary about this. And seriously, is this necessary? You bring your readers all this great music from all over the world, why stop to throw a tantrum because, for once, the old white dude didn't win? Take your own advice and relax.
@Anthony - your comments aren't out of line. It's all good.
If you want to call me conservative, go for it. Just another label in my opinion.
However, the real conservatives would eat me for breakfast because some of my views are far from it. I'm strong believer of accountability but that itself shouldn't put me in the conservative mind set.
I voted for Obama because I'm tired of the GOP mind set. I'm tired of them embarrassing us as a nation as a whole. Sadly, with a two major party system, you can really only vote for one or the other. When a legit 3rd party comes around, I hope it'll spark new thoughts and interests.
I fight against the opposite prejudice that most fight. So...I get labeled a racist. Is there only one prejudice.One racism?Ask yourself.
I'm half Near eastern.Armenian. That history of me (reletives) has been persecuted and even ethnic cleansing. So what.... That was then. This is today. Only an asshole idiot lives in yesterday. Move on.Understand what goes on in the minds of people today.
Anyone can call me any name they feel comfortable with. I am a realist. Reality isn't always comfortable.
I'm getting kinda dismayed by a trend I'm noticing: former punk rockers who now middle-aged are voting Republican, and believing far out right-wing paranoia. I realize that punk was never exactly liberal (rebelling against hippies and all), but it was certainly not down with conservatism. This trend is especially laughable because most of these guys are lower middle-class/working-class types who Republican politics are designed to fuck over. Have a lot of these guys become Skrewdriver fans in middle-age or something? I think those old punks need to re-listen to the lyrics of all their old albums.
and democrats are for the poor and middle class lol. how many middle class or poor politicians do you know. both parties need to be broken up. hey mark just because you are a rednekk does not mean you are racist lol
Cliff. You think this is a tantrum? (sorry didn't see thar lol)
Anon,I've been punk for quite a while.Never did I need a code of honor. The beauty of punk was that everyone is accepted. Everyone. I'll aso remind you these are different days,different problems in a different time. I live for today.I have a family. Do you?
In honor of this fine day, and to acknowledge all the great stuff I've gotten from your site, here's one from your want list: Mood of Defiance's "Now." Or make that "The Fierce Urgency of Now," maybe. As I'm sure you know, the band would mutate into Anti.
I won't leave it up long, so if you're going to post it, you should use your own link.
Something that I've never understood is how so many "punks" are always in favor of the Democratic Party, which is a party that is clearing in favor of bigger government (aka more government involvement in our lives which means less personal liberty). Please explain this to me. It's funny to see people wearing Anarchy pins or shirts and voting for Obama (and I'm not saying they should vote for McCain). Seems like true punks would be more libertarian, if they really wanted to affiliate with a political party. Please explain this inconsistency. I realize that punks favor social liberalism (abortion, gay rights, etc), but at the cost of increased socialism? If money is power, then the government directing more money results in more government power. Thanks.
@Weires - I can only speak for myself..... but mainly because there's only two parties in this country that really matter. I'm listed as an Independent but at the moment the Independent parties are ..... not going to win in the near future. Socialism? Come on now. One aspect of the tax policy and besides, it's bordline socialism. That was the word the Republicans were using as a scare tactics. And in any case, the bailout plan that was voted in by both parties can be considered socialism as well. A very expensive one too that our kids will pay one day. Republicans today aren't about small government. They like to say that but then why do like to add new laws about banning same sex, right to life, changing our constitution to allow tapping phone calls, secret cells in foreign countries, No Kid Left behind programs and soforth. Sure the Democrats are involved with these bills too but they will never say "we are about small government". The days of small government are over as far as I'm concern.
Ideally, both parties need a good kick in the ass because those politicians are nothing like the average citizens that they claim to represent.
Punks will favor Democrats mainly because they are, typicaly, open to various lifestyles. Whereas the Republicans in general aren't, at least the core conservative ones.
The Democratic Parties you have in the US are not even close to Socoalism - I should know I am a Sozialist. Actually you have two right wing parties - one only a bit lesser right wing
When I hear that Obama wants to put 1,000,000 special police officers on the street, I have a cause for concern. Adolf Hitler did the same thing with the SA(Brown Shirts). Hitler let everyone into the SA. Gays, Pediphiles, Atheists, ETC... Then the night of the long knives happened.Meanwhile, his true intentions were disguised. The SS was formed. You know the rest. It reminds me of Animal Farm.
alot of jews actually supported hitler because he promised hope and change. dems are usually open for various groups "so they say" especially when it involves the government getting involved.
As you see,people have their own minds and see things differently. Not everyone is on the same bandwagon/page. Hell,some aren't on any.
Discussion is good.It's healthy but only when everyone respects the others right to an opinion.
There is nothing wrong with standing out from the crowd. Never be ashamed that your ideas don't match your peers. You are all idividuals with your own minds. Diverse thought is what makes things happen.
Why do I post these debates. I love to see folks using their brains.It's more fun than just clicking download isn't it?
If you all think the change back to the Clinton-era tax code, which means going from 35% to 39% (give or take) on the wealthiest Americans, is Socialism, you're not the smartest punks in the pit. Moreover, most of the Clinton-era numbers were put in place by the first President Bush anyway; he's been called many things, but never, I'm pretty sure, a socialist.
We didn't do all that badly under that code, right? Surplus anyone?
Also, do any of you think the residents of the Ninth Ward in New Orleans are less free right now because of less government involvement? Powerful people are usually more free with less government; the weak are usually more free with some protections and regulations.
Government can be done well; it can also be done badly. Or do you need another eight years to drive the point home?
And you're welcome for the Mood of Defiance LP. —Michael
State policing and surveillence is their future, it's the only way they can see to control people who have become out of control thanks to free market capitalism. Left wing right wing; different sides of the same coin. Indeed Mark, it is more interesting than just downloading music. Respect!
Oh shit...Sorry 'bout that Michael. I knew I misplaced something... I found it again. Sometimes things get a bit chaotic. I'll post ASAP. Thanks Michael :)
Here in New York, manna has been raining from the sky since Tuesday night!
All this talk of increased taxes is crazy.
And you know something? If I have to pay an additional $1000 in taxes and my taxes are going to GOOD THINGS (like helping the poor, education, hospitals, and public programs) rather paying less for BAD THINGS (a pointless war, Bush's cronies, etc)... well than, I consider that money well spent.
Immaterial - Scratching The Surface,, VA - What's Going On Here? comp 1967,
Swingers - Witchdoctor Blues, Lost In Aggression,
Paul Mowbray - Old Friends 1982, WOMBELS - Fast And Bouncy
4 Minute Warning (UK82 Band)
VA - Bang Zoom #1 w Big Boys
Texacala Jones and her JT Hookers Album, SST Untouchables: Lawndale, Cruel Frederick, Sylvia Juncosa solo, Ras Michael------Old Alliance: Jack Brewer Band, DOS LP+EP, Rudolph Grey, Sproton Layer, Overpass, Chris Ducey - I Am A Rock, Big Sound Authority - An Inward Revolution, Dead Stop - Live For Nothing and Done With You, Boothill Foot Tappers (English Cow Punk from the 80s w 1 LP + 7's
Please support with weekly music top 7 also a big THANKS to Dr. Mercola on your Anniversary with free emails of "Interview the Experts", my dad got me to follow you in 1997 when you started! His mentor:
For Gary Floyd [R.I.P]
Gary Floyd Memorial (Click picture for interview)
R.I.P. Teresa Taylor drummer for the Butthole Surfers
She really made our scene and a wonder to watch at shows click the picture
Thanks to Joe Carducci meta friend and former co-owner of SST records for posting this great Piece!
B.O.C. Mastermind Secret Treaties 50th, Right Click pic and Save to desktop to read
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Great contributors
are what makes this blog special
Thanx To Them!!
`````````````````````````Wildevilman (now has his own punk blog--see blogroll below), Mark Underground (Blog Creator--retired), JayIRC Mark's mini me skinhead hardcore-like-Viacom,`Oi! Boot Bhoy!, Brian Guy (Most ECLECTIC/Hip taste), Count YORGA (another GERMAN like Max And WDM listed first ), BERNANDO old contributor from Swedish Oi!, Record Nerd sent in good stuff to search, our neighbor hardcore punk blogger, Dr. DRUNKRUINSITFOR EVERYBODY now defunct, Dr. Phibes, Jughead, Donut Duck our SST expert, Jungle Jim our radio station raider (another SST specialist), Siobhán Long's sister helps me to make sure I have the country of origin correct, Jim H our record clerk in the store, search for E.W. (Eliot Wilder) from Mondo Exploito blog below) Mutt and The Revenants to get the wildest OBSCURO overlooked classics!!!, ClassicMusic20 our 70/80’s music expert from Canada sends in his requests and files as does Jon H witness to live show with the Brains who keeps me up on the scene per his submissions that open our minds!!!, Muddymike for encouragement (HANX!!), Angstytimelord [R.I.P. from Diabetes] who lost her vinyl collection on a move like many and is THEE BEST expert/authority regarding 1980's music, nuttyniki and angel for their submissions of great music. 80sonspeed, Isksp (Brazil) and Punknotprofit (got me to into blogging and helped me find DU blog) now all are defunct, EricC who has seen a lot of shows and all around helper like AJ (Themes for Great Cities & Dimension of the Mind blogs), Jonder at Jokonky blog with Stinky & Art58Koen who make cool compilations from extensive searches, also Richard over there who has made key requests at DU,, Nathan Nothin' blog former show promoter and early DU blog follower with own blog now, Bill Nelson fanatic, MC5 & Marvin Gaye tour 71 live witness to them and with the best Trip Hop/Dub, revB old school music well of info, Gabe (great studied requests), S.D. Joe big Foghat fan, BigDogDave, mrRadio, Sergey, Farris, Psychfan, jimi2770 from Discog store for regular requests and comments to keep file links up & organized, Rixboy from Australia, Carol Ann, Josef from Austria who saw Jefferson Airplane in Santa Barbara first tour or so with deep music knowledge (clued me on 27$ Snap On Face), Kostas from his great blog Urban Aspirines, Josh DeSlasher, Retro Hound, JohnnyChump and George Leroy Tirebiter for helpful regular comments, and it is I, Viacomclosedmedown on YouTube (no longer also used to be 'CorridorsofPower named after Gary Moore's 1984 album first youtube channel also shuttdown! as Darby Crash (R.I.P.) would say) your current host and RIP master to complain to about stitched-together mp3 rips I do and for requests, content creator and holder of better quality WAV files of all the posts I do at 15 per week since 2008 on various external CD-ROM hard drives in my Walmart Fireproof Waterproof safe
This one for you ClassicMusic20. I know you want trendy Yacht Rock for your radio but calling soft Christian rock by that genre just to get me to buy something won't work and never putting a penny of your own money for anything while using pressure buy to make me buy the last one on Discogs is lame for lame music my Goodwill steals are R.L. Burnside used to say live.
You have created a wonderful blog that is much appreciated by old punx and music mavens like myself. It makes no difference to me what side of the fence you're on and I realize that this is your blog and I respect that. My only question for you is - what is this fixation you seem to have with bigotry, because let's be honest here. This doesn't seem like open-mindedness or individualism. This seems a little more like closet racism to me and if that's your true stance, that's fine with me. Just tell it like it is. At least it would be more transparent to the rest of your bloggers who are looking fo the old music they love. Most folks aren't really interested in being slowly injected with anyone else's fears or resentments.
Perhaps it's me who's view is askewed here but then again I'm not the one pushing my views under the guise of 'punk rock'. Either way, I appreciate all of your efforts in getting the music out. It is an awesome service you are performing to a dying breed.
Peace to you and yours
you're butthurt?
Not bad for a half white guy, ain't that right? :)
Personally, I think Obama is going to bridge the gap between both parties, unite the nation as a whole, and most importantly, give us a better image across the universal pond.
The Republicans lost the Senate, House, and the chief in command. The GOP needs a new identity and it's gonna be hard because the younger generation isn't going to buy into the religious right and certainly won't tolerate the snoby super wealthy who seem to get raises year after year yet still hire "temps" and only part timers so they can cut costs to run their show. Their ideology of small government ballooned into a government of regulation and expenditures.
But it won't be easy. The repair work and the neglect of the former powers need to be addressed first.
Yeah, I'm pretty damn excited if you can't tell. :)
butthurt? we shall see after six months in office.
given his involvment with acorn
his stand on the 2nd ammendment
his comment of spreading the wealth and how raising taxes on corp and upperclass is going to help the middle and lower class?
his affiliation with jeremy wright
his voting record
i hope you are right roboshito. but judging that the dems have control of the house and senate minus overturning a filabuster. and based on what the networks were saying that obama should work towards the center on both sides but they are not sure since they do not know what his agenda is! which i would think would be prime reason you would vote for someone based on their agenda. plus the fact he won by a majority he could pretty do what he wants. bottom line we do not know who this guy is. not to paraphrase obama but i do HOPE he supercedes my expectations and proves me wrong in being the right choice as president.
@Anthony - we're just going to have to weather the storm and see what happens. The GOP done themselves in with poor management the last ..... 6 years? Rather than facing the issues, Dubya and crew kept covering them up. McCain lost mainly because of Dubya. Palin didn't help either. She has her core fans but she's far too conservative for many of us. And if McCain just played himself, rather than the "mean and negative" McCain, he may have won more votes.
But the GOP needs a new identity. The once strong party is in total disarray. And when they stop whoring out Jesus like some merchandise, then perhaps I'll open my ears to them a bit more.
Personally, I would have liked to see the House and Senate to be more balanced but hey, it is what it is. Now the Dems can either shine or fall face down first since they do have more control over the repubs.
Wag more, bark less. It ain't no GOP country no mo'.
i'm so glad obama won i beleave he will bridge the gaps.for too long now left and the right have been fighting one anothere.we must work togethere to fix this nation and make it the great nation it should be now is the time to heal not fight
I take no great comfort in Senator Obama's win last night. While I felt no great affinity for either of the two major candidates, I can't keep from feeling that Obama will disappoint the nation. He is a crusader and crusaders will always sacrifice everything for the sake of the cause. But the what the hell do I know, I have yet to vote for a candidate that won a presidential election. . .0 for 5 and feeling no shame!!
How very sad that Obama (who seems like a nice bloke) was voted in, simply for the colour of his skin.
Thats what it appears like from here anyway
I've just watched 95% of my National news on your election and saw 1000's of black people celebrating. I can understand the older oppressed generations being so happy after what they have gone through.
What I cannot understand is the youngsters being so overwhelmed with this great black hope just because he is the same colour as they are.
Tell me I'm wrong but surely this is most "racist" election of all time.
Good luck to you all anyway
How about the notion that black america voted for a positive black male role model that isn't an athlete or a rapper? Jurgen (and others), your assesment that he was voted in because of race may be somehwat correct, but how many people voted for McCain because he is white? He certainly had no platform or charisma.
Convertido,there's never shame in voting for what you believe to be right.
Jurgen,You hit the nail on the head.Thanks :)
And Joe...
You wanna know me lol.
I haven't a thing to hide.
I really don't care what people think about me :)
I like to say things the way I see 'em.
Sometimes people don't like others being honest.
If you ask me straight up questions I'd be glad to give you the answer.My answer.
Am I racist?
Only as much as the folks people claim I'm racist against.
If you consider Blacks to be racist...Then I am also.
My fixation as you call it is due to having to deal/live with a lopsided racism.
Here in America Blacks somehow got a free pass.And they expect it (see the video).
If you have more questions,by all means don't be shy.
Don't make me ask the questions then answer them too.
As I've said before.I have NO white guilt and feel I owe no one anything.I tell It the way I see it.
I'm an open book.
Thanx for enjoying my blog ;)
I'm not pushing anything lol.
My views are...My views.
It's ok to disagree.
How about the notion that black america voted for a positive black male role model that isn't an athlete or a rapper?
VERY TRUE. A great point, Aesop.
Oddly though, this country tends to use the race card too often though.
61% of the people who voted for Obama were white, so the "voting for your own color" card doesn't apply here.
And @ Anthony: the stuff you mentioned is all bullshit. Do a little REAL research instead of sticking solely to FOXNews and blogs with obvious agendas.
just shows his voting record
none of this was from fox news
or anything else
the other links were some questions being raised that were just were thrown out and never answered something to think about. you dont need to respond i do my research heavily but to say i dont do enough research and call it bullshit i dont think you are open for discussion your mind is made up
for those of you who do not know where obama stands i encourage the link
i think alot of this election had to do with race. i dont thik it is a bad thing but i'm passed it whatever nationality is running for office if they have good ideas and a smart agenda i'm going to vote for that person. i think people were taken into the hype of the first black president and overlooked and did not focus on his agenda. what is obamas agenda? i'm asking because i dont know. this is just my opinion and i could be wrong but why?
Sorry Anthony - I voted Obama strictly because he's half-white.
I'm half white, he's half white what more do you want? :)
But on a serious note, if you don't know his agenda, it shows that you really didn't do your research about him, no? Of course if you simply X'd Obama out simply because it was a character issue rather than an agenda issue then my point is mute.
In the grand scheme of things, if you compare McCain's agenda, there isn't really much of difference between the two other than some variables and of course that they belong to two different parties. The main differences that stand out are their tax policy, what to do with the Iraq war, and healthcare reform.
I wouldn't be surprised if Obama asks McCain to be an advisor for him.
i kinda agree with you robashito
i think both parties are not who they say they are and need to be broken up i think they have similar agendas that are not good for the country but are good for their parties. i did alot of research on obama hence his voting record that someone commented as bullshit. but he could tell obama that not me since it is obamas record. but we will see i do hope for the best. this could go on and on i'm trying to be optimistic but i dont think people voted for him for the right reasons either because of bush or the war the economy which i think both parties are to blame but that is all past now if obama does not correct things or things get worse then what. dems are now in control what will be the excuse then.
First thing first - correct the blunders that Bush did.
We need international help to fight wars. The days of Rambo-esque thinking is over. We aren't the strongest military anymore.
Stop torture. One makes another nation not torture our own soldiers when we do it. It's not humane or wise.
Don't let the religious right have too much say in our policies. Morals should be taught within the family, not churches or forced into law.
No Child Left Behind needs revamping or simply tossed out.
And most importantly, don't expect the gov. to solve all of our problems. We as citizens need to be held accountable - from educating our children, keeping your debt to a minimum, reducing our dependency with oil, and be employeed. Work dammit and stop bitchin' about how you hate your job. If you hate it, go back to school.
Dat's all.
you sound conservative robashito. so i take it you didnt vote for obama either
Do I sound conservative, really?
You're joking right?
I do live in a conservative area - you got that right at least.
I got shitfaced celebrating Obama's victory last night.
Why do I post these thing?
Co'mon man lmao.
You ALL love it.
Everyone loves to battle.
It ok.You have to know it is ok.
Just watch your words.Respect others.We are all one people who through this type of conversation find ourselves.
Question everything.
Be smart.
Respect everyone.
no i'm serious
most people believe the ideal of being conservative is being religious, rednekk etc..
but the heart of it is that you believe the government is not the answer to our problems "aka reagonism"
raising taxes on corporations and the rich is going to help the middle class really?
i work in IT as a contractor "loophole for companies to avoid taxes and benefits" i see that increasing along with outsourcing
but yes you nailed it you are conservative.
which confuses me as to why people voted for obama
sorry mark dont mean to and hopefully did not offend anyone on here. its all about respect sharing views etc..
I'm Athiest.
I'm for womans rights for abortion.
Redneck...Well,I am a bit.It's where I live.
I'm an ass kicking hippie hater.
I'm not a pacifist.I will hit you in the head if you insult/push or fuck with me.
Oops...guess thats the way it is.
I accept violence as a part of today and am ready to be if need be.
Nothing wrong with rednecks.They've kept me alive.
Oh damn...that was a
You know, for someone who's so big on being open-minded and thinking for yourself, you are sure uptight, freaked out, and reactionary about this. And seriously, is this necessary? You bring your readers all this great music from all over the world, why stop to throw a tantrum because, for once, the old white dude didn't win? Take your own advice and relax.
@Anthony - your comments aren't out of line. It's all good.
If you want to call me conservative, go for it. Just another label in my opinion.
However, the real conservatives would eat me for breakfast because some of my views are far from it.
I'm strong believer of accountability but that itself shouldn't put me in the conservative mind set.
I voted for Obama because I'm tired of the GOP mind set. I'm tired of them embarrassing us as a nation as a whole. Sadly, with a two major party system, you can really only vote for one or the other. When a legit 3rd party comes around, I hope it'll spark new thoughts and interests.
mark,du hast einfach nur angst vorm schwarzen mann!!
du bist ein kleines angsthäschen!!
((ne pussie))!!
I fight against the opposite prejudice that most fight.
So...I get labeled a racist.
Is there only one prejudice.One racism?Ask yourself.
I'm half Near eastern.Armenian.
That history of me (reletives) has been persecuted and even ethnic cleansing.
So what....
That was then.
This is today.
Only an asshole idiot lives in yesterday.
Move on.Understand what goes on in the minds of people today.
Anyone can call me any name they feel comfortable with.
I am a realist.
Reality isn't always comfortable.
I find it amazing the anger inspired by me pointing out racism in places people may not want to see.
I'm getting kinda dismayed by a trend I'm noticing: former punk rockers who now middle-aged are voting Republican, and believing far out right-wing paranoia. I realize that punk was never exactly liberal (rebelling against hippies and all), but it was certainly not down with conservatism. This trend is especially laughable because most of these guys are lower middle-class/working-class types who Republican politics are designed to fuck over. Have a lot of these guys become Skrewdriver fans in middle-age or something? I think those old punks need to re-listen to the lyrics of all their old albums.
and democrats are for the poor and middle class lol. how many middle class or poor politicians do you know. both parties need to be broken up. hey mark just because you are a rednekk does not mean you are racist lol
You think this is a tantrum?
(sorry didn't see thar lol)
Anon,I've been punk for quite a while.Never did I need a code of honor.
The beauty of punk was that everyone is accepted.
I'll aso remind you these are different days,different problems in a different time.
I live for today.I have a family.
Do you?
mark,youre not a punk your an asshole nothin more!!
Well ya know that's how it goes when your not with the bunch.
Never been a go-a-longer.
Sorry you expected less.
In honor of this fine day, and to acknowledge all the great stuff I've gotten from your site, here's one from your want list: Mood of Defiance's "Now." Or make that "The Fierce Urgency of Now," maybe. As I'm sure you know, the band would mutate into Anti.
I won't leave it up long, so if you're going to post it, you should use your own link.
Thanx Anon.
Downing it now.No prob hosting but I won't be able to thank you properly with no name!
Something that I've never understood is how so many "punks" are always in favor of the Democratic Party, which is a party that is clearing in favor of bigger government (aka more government involvement in our lives which means less personal liberty). Please explain this to me. It's funny to see people wearing Anarchy pins or shirts and voting for Obama (and I'm not saying they should vote for McCain). Seems like true punks would be more libertarian, if they really wanted to affiliate with a political party. Please explain this inconsistency. I realize that punks favor social liberalism (abortion, gay rights, etc), but at the cost of increased socialism? If money is power, then the government directing more money results in more government power. Thanks.
@Weires - I can only speak for myself..... but mainly because there's only two parties in this country that really matter. I'm listed as an Independent but at the moment the Independent parties are ..... not going to win in the near future. Socialism? Come on now. One aspect of the tax policy and besides, it's bordline socialism. That was the word the Republicans were using as a scare tactics. And in any case, the bailout plan that was voted in by both parties can be considered socialism as well. A very expensive one too that our kids will pay one day.
Republicans today aren't about small government. They like to say that but then why do like to add new laws about banning same sex, right to life, changing our constitution to allow tapping phone calls, secret cells in foreign countries, No Kid Left behind programs and soforth. Sure the Democrats are involved with these bills too but they will never say "we are about small government". The days of small government are over as far as I'm concern.
Ideally, both parties need a good kick in the ass because those politicians are nothing like the average citizens that they claim to represent.
Punks will favor Democrats mainly because they are, typicaly, open to various lifestyles. Whereas the Republicans in general aren't, at least the core conservative ones.
Can we get a beer now?
"but at the cost of increased socialism"
The Democratic Parties you have in the US are not even close to Socoalism - I should know I am a Sozialist.
Actually you have two right wing parties - one only a bit lesser right wing
When I hear that Obama wants to put 1,000,000 special police officers on the street, I have a cause for concern. Adolf Hitler did the same thing with the SA(Brown Shirts). Hitler let everyone into the SA. Gays, Pediphiles, Atheists, ETC... Then the night of the long knives happened.Meanwhile, his true intentions were disguised. The SS was formed. You know the rest. It reminds me of Animal Farm.
alot of jews actually supported hitler because he promised hope and change. dems are usually open for various groups "so they say" especially when it involves the government getting involved.
On a random note:
As you see,people have their own minds and see things differently.
Not everyone is on the same bandwagon/page.
Hell,some aren't on any.
Discussion is good.It's healthy but only when everyone respects the others right to an opinion.
There is nothing wrong with standing out from the crowd.
Never be ashamed that your ideas don't match your peers.
You are all idividuals with your own minds.
Diverse thought is what makes things happen.
Why do I post these debates.
I love to see folks using their brains.It's more fun than just clicking download isn't it?
If you all think the change back to the Clinton-era tax code, which means going from 35% to 39% (give or take) on the wealthiest Americans, is Socialism, you're not the smartest punks in the pit. Moreover, most of the Clinton-era numbers were put in place by the first President Bush anyway; he's been called many things, but never, I'm pretty sure, a socialist.
We didn't do all that badly under that code, right? Surplus anyone?
Also, do any of you think the residents of the Ninth Ward in New Orleans are less free right now because of less government involvement? Powerful people are usually more free with less government; the weak are usually more free with some protections and regulations.
Government can be done well; it can also be done badly. Or do you need another eight years to drive the point home?
And you're welcome for the Mood of Defiance LP. —Michael
State policing and surveillence is their future, it's the only way they can see to control people who have become out of control thanks to free market capitalism. Left wing right wing; different sides of the same coin. Indeed Mark, it is more interesting than just downloading music. Respect!
Thanks Nuzz
Oh shit...Sorry 'bout that Michael.
I knew I misplaced something...
I found it again.
Sometimes things get a bit chaotic.
I'll post ASAP.
Thanks Michael :)
Here in New York, manna has been raining from the sky since Tuesday night!
All this talk of increased taxes is crazy.
And you know something? If I have to pay an additional $1000 in taxes and my taxes are going to GOOD THINGS (like helping the poor, education, hospitals, and public programs) rather paying less for BAD THINGS (a pointless war, Bush's cronies, etc)... well than, I consider that money well spent.
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