Tuesday, October 21, 2008

V/A - Street Justice

Nationalist Oi Compilation From Japan

Bad Vultures/Unite Boys/Gruesome/Studly's/
United Changers/Eastern Youth

Get It Here:




Anonymous said...

ich brech ins essen!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said.
in diesem blog leider nichts neues!

Anonymous said...


hast recht, manche Leutz raffens halt nie!

Anonymous said...

Mark = (_!_)

Anonymous said...

So, Anonymous guy(s), is your life so empty you have nothing better to do than be an ass on Mark's blog?

It really doesn't help your argument to be like this. You just come off as an oberarsch.

Anonymous said...

Nationalist oi bands from any country besides England baffle me so much I can't even be offended. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to see, like, a Haitian nationalist oi band at this point.

Anonymous said...

cliff said:
"Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to see, like, a Haitian nationalist oi band at this point."

Yeah, I thought like that when I first discovered there was a Japanese counterpart. Nothing like extolling the virtues of a discredited, disgraced, and thoroughly beaten ideology to a snappy beat in any shape and/or form.

I would think a Haitian version would be enough to inform everyone that this Nazi bullshit on a global level is now as serious a threat as latte foam. However, on a grass-roots level you can still get your shit beat out by these punks if you piss them off and they feel they need to get violent to mask their greater inadequacies - hopefully you'll live to get the cops involved enough that the ATF will raid a random ANF compound out in Oregon and "accidently" burn the fuckers to ash. That'll chill the other neo-Nazis in the U.S.A. down and they'll get back to hustling drugs for dick in the prison system and marching on Adolf's big day in front of city hall Anytown, USA.

My experience has been that most people here shun that Nazi/Aryan bullshit and anyone associated with it as it was a HUGE part of our culture to be anti-Nazi from the war and onward (The War Bonds Office used Hollywood to propaghandize our war effort, especially at first, so the government had to make the Japs and the Krauts into an even greater threat than the Negroes or the Dreaded Chinee. That actually helped the Blacks somewhat until we beat the Germans and had more time to spend hating the black man some more. The Asians got shafted since the Japanese were Asian and most white Americans of the 1940's thought they all looked alike as well and couldn't be bothered sorting them out when they had all those nice camps sitting empty.), even up to the new Tom "In Xenu We Trust" Cruise movie, "Valkyrie". Yes, every country has racist bastards and due to the way the Allies handled WWII's resolution we inadvertently(?) made Germany ripe for exploitation by people who under normal circumstances would have been run out of town. We could very well be setting up a new timebomb, and not the one by Charged G.B.H., under Iraq right now that will blow up in everyone's faces a few years down the line.

See, the problem with Nationalist philosophy is that in a forward-looking society (which I like to pretend I live in) "nations" make no sense in terms of where we will be in the long term. Man has to think towards the stars, where our destiny lies because whether you believe in a deity or not where we came from is out there and eventually we must go to meet it. We are not nations, we are a world - and you can only have world peace if everyone accepts we live together on ONE world. Once (heh, if) we get colonizing space and other systems then people can try their hand at running entire planets under a single ideology of their common desire.

The reason we don't all share this sense is because we are living in a world ruined by George Lucas and his aborted attempt to make a science [b]fiction[/b] film when in reality all he could muster was a science [b]fantasy[/b] film. He based it on Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" for Chris'sake! If people had been smart they would have caught on to Star Trek in a much bigger way and understood the big picture Roddenberry was portraying in the original series. Kirk kissing Uhura? That was a BFD at that time. And you know what I've found? Kissing black girls is actually a cool thing to do even for a white man, and what I want to know is: If once you go there you don't come back, what does it mean if you started there and then returned to the pale?

Anonymous said...

Do you have nothing better to do than stick your ass iss in Mark`s ass?

Anonymous said...

Ihr anonymen Flaschen, warum kotzt ihr euch nicht woanders aus, das hier ist ein MusikBlog und kein politisches Forum für Mate-Tee-Diskutierer, ihr dämlichen Hippies!!!

Anonymous said...

Baffling stuff indeed... Stuff to check out, topic wise: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism

Anonymous said...

wie süss - da fühl ich mich jetzt aber schwer beleidigt

Anonymous said...

nur gut das du nicht anomym bist - du Spacken

Anonymous said...

ihr seid erbärmlich ihr luschen, geht nach hause und schaukelt euch gegenseitig die eier...

Anonymous said...

fang nich gleich an zu heulen,hast
ja schon Pippi inne Augen!
Hast nen kleines Aggressions-

Anonymous said...

Du Vollpfosten - wir sind zu Hause, das hier ist das Internet, da brauch man nicht das Haus verlassen.

Nish said...

Quit bickering...

Anonymous said...

Im Gegensatz zu Dir haben wir wenigstens jemanden der uns die Eier
Und lieber ein dämlicher Hippie als
ein dummer Kopf-in-den-Sand-stecker!

Anonymous said...

Wow, ich bin beeindruckt, ihr Wixer könnt ja richtig austeilen und zu Hause isses eben am schönsten vorm PC wie, ihr nassen Fotzen...schreibt ihr auch mal wenn euch ein Album gefällt oder könnt ihr nur schlau daherreden??

robashito said...

For someone who spent his first 21 years in Tokyo and still goes back home regularly, it's a bit deceiving to think that these bands, at least half of them on this LP (I don't know the other half) are "nationalistic" in a sense that they believe their nationality is far superior over any other races/nationalities. Sure they are proud to be Japanese but there isn't a "solid" hate movement going on in Japan, at least within the punk scene. So don't be mistaken to think that these bands are some sort of thugs out to get anyone who isn't Japanese - because they aren't.

Anonymous said...

entscheid dich mal,wixer oder nasse
votzen???(man bist du dumm!!)
wie alt bist du denn? ich schätz mal
14 und auf ner sonderschule,oder?
und du sitzt nich vorm pc oder was?
du bist echt der beweis dafür das
rechts-rock dumm macht bzw. für
dumme leute gemacht ist!!

Anonymous said...


Sure they are proud to be Japanese but there isn't a "solid" hate movement going on in Japan, at least within the punk scene. So don't be mistaken to think that these bands are some sort of thugs out to get anyone who isn't Japanese - because they aren't.

Well, no moreso than the rest of Japanese culture, which is pretty xenophobic in its own right.

Seriously, though - what confuses me is how a philosophy that places so much emphasis and focus on one culture can express that emphasis through a form of music associated commonly with an entirely different culture. North American oi bands only get a pass from me because the U.S. at least has colonial ties to England. But it seems to me like national pride should take advantage of national art forms. Japanese nationalist oi makes about as much sense philosophically as white power reggae. (Or white power rock, for that matter - using a form of music derived from the blues and Western swing to preach white superiority is like that one Chappelle's Show sketch come to life.)

Keep doing what you're doing, Mark - you bring us plenty of good music in all genres, and although I don't agree with your politics, putting Skrewdriver up next to King Tubby and Napalm Death's cover of "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" is fucking hilarious and punk as fuck.

Anonymous said...

one of many Anonymous said:
Do you have nothing better to do than stick your ass iss in Mark`s ass?

October 23, 2008 3:42 AM"

Wow, that was really rude and uncalled for. And supposedly folk like Mark and I are the jerks?

Anonymous said...

ah bronko du bist wohl der hanswurst mit dem in der schule keiner spielte, dein horizont erstreckt sich nur in entweder oder, schwarz & weiß, richtig oder falsch....über leute wie du kann ich nur laut lachen HAHAHA!.

Anonymous said...

Habe noch keinen positiven Kommentar von dir gefunden

Anonymous said...

boooaah,jetzt hastes mir aber gegeben!
bin mal gespannt ob du immer noch lachst wenn wir beide uns mal gegenüberstehen und wer dann die nasse fotze ist!!

robashito said...

@cliff - not sure if I understand your point about it being "passable" in the US but not in Japan but that's alright. It is what it is. People tend to take in their motherland's pride. Personally, I tend to focus on the ills of our country rather than the good - not because I hate our country, I love it so much that I like to focus on the ills so we can address the problems.

However, I do agree with the xenophobic thought process of your typical Japanese. Yes, such does exist mainly from ignorance. At times it can be flat out insensitive. Yet again, people around here commonly ask me: "Are you Chinese?" Just because I have asian features why do people automatically think I'm Chinese? Why not Korean? It's like me automatically saying to a white guy, "Are you Irish?" But that's entirely another story.

Anonymous said...

@ Quasimodo
Was machst Du hier eigentlich auf dieser Blogseite? 90% der Bands haben einen doch eher sozialkritischen bis linken Hintergrund! Wenn Du nach eigenaussagen Politischen / Sozialkritischen Diskussionen
Nachdenken (was viele der hier gebotenen Bands mit ihren Texten erreichen wollen) als Hippischeisse bezeichnest, dann kann ich mir halt nur die Frage stellen warum Du diese Seite besuchst! Nach Deinen bisherigen Einträgen zu urteilen, bist Du einfach zu blöd, sich mit den jeweiligen Bands auseinanderzusetzen! Geh dann doch bitte am besten in den nächsten Schützenverein, da bist Du besser aufgehoben!!!! Ich schließe mich auch an, wenn Du auch mir persönlich begegnen würdest, Du eher nass werden würdest (pipi in augen)!

Jeder kann sich einmal wegen der Bands (gerade im Internationalem Bereich) vertun, dann sollte man auch den Mum haben, sorry zu sagen und den scheiß runterzunehmen. Mehr verlangen die meisten nicht - allerding nach den Argumenten zu Urteilen ist es eh im Kopp zu spät!

Anonymous said...

robashito said:
"However, I do agree with the xenophobic thought process of your typical Japanese. Yes, such does exist mainly from ignorance. At times it can be flat out insensitive. Yet again, people around here commonly ask me: "Are you Chinese?" Just because I have asian features why do people automatically think I'm Chinese? Why not Korean? It's like me automatically saying to a white guy, "Are you Irish?" But that's entirely another story."

I tend to just ask "Where in Asia is your family from?" because while I can sometimes differentiate between Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese and Japanese, I know can't guess it 100% and would rather not embarrass myself or the other person. I'm at a loss with Laotians, Thai, etc. as I haven't interacted as much with those nationalities. Its like asking a plump woman when the baby is due.

Then again, I can't tell a Slav from a Czech, or a redneck from an asshole.

robashito said...

@Brekinapez - hahahahahha.... I know about the plump woman - never ask if she's expecting a baby - I've embarrassed myself quite badly on that one.

Anonymous said...


not sure if I understand your point about it being "passable" in the US but not in Japan but that's alright. It is what it is.

By "passable" I meant that I could understand why North American nationalists would play oi music - if it's primarily a product of working-class Britain, there's some cultural connection there. I don't agree with the sentiments, but in terms of being proud of your culture and expressing that pride through an indigenous music form, it makes sense. Japanese nationalists playing oi don't make much more sense to me than American nationalists expressing their pride through kabuki.

robashito said...

@Cliff, Kabuki Oi band, I like that!
This could become South Carolina's finest, after Hootie and the Blowfish. *chuckles*

Anonymous said...

