I don't agree with Farrakhan on most things. But I am definitely voting for Obama next month. McCaine has no plan or motivation (and Palin is a wack-job!)
Opinions a great thing sometimes. They help a person understand others feelings.
I posted this because I wanted to try to understand Obama supporters.
To begin,I don't think either is the perfect fit for the job.I guess none are ever perfect are they. However,I feel Sen. McCain is a more trusted leader.He's someone with alot of life and political experiance.Gov. Palin appears to me to be a genuine person.Someone I can relate to.What really hooked me with her though was knowing she has a child with disabilities,then hearing her say more than once that she will be my advocate in the White House.I can't tell you what that means to me for my child.
I'm not going to go deep into my reasonings about MCain yet.He's a hero. It's not true they have no plan. These are things said back and forth by both parties.
On Obama... I'm scared to death of him. Something I feel is very wrong with him. He has way too many friends/aquaintances that are steeped in extremism. I believe he is not what he seems. I believe he is ultra left,wants control and big government. When watching him,he comes across arrogant and as if he himself thinks he is the Messiah.
Kids in schools singing Obama songs,Hollywoods love of him along with the biggest devils,the Media. All signs to me that he's wrong.
But...That's my opinion.
I'm for the right to choose,for stem cell research... But Obama scares the hell outta me.
Oh and Joe Biden. He's ok.He reminds me of someones grandpa that alaways embaresses them in public.He means well and has a good heart. He just want's to be in higher office :)
Can you all tell me what you think about knowing all these shady characters in Baracks past? I'd like to know your take on each.
I`m a european ... so obviously I`m not allowed to vote your president, but of course the US election is a big issue over here too. maybe it is something typical american that you more look at the candidates itself as at what they stand for. I mean did you read the programs of the democratic and republican party? I personaly think maybe after eight years some fresh air would be healthy, I don`t think one party should have the power too long ... change is what keeps democracy alive.
I look at their "programs". I'm not happy with either.But one seems safer to me.I just don't trust Obama.At all. I feel the Democratic party has changed from what it was and has gotten ultra liberal.
Obama is a positive image that shows our Arab and Muslim brothers that we all really know that 911 was an inside job and that every major U.S. war has been manufactured by a Secret Govt. as described by Jim Marrs. Let's get real people, the last two candidates were both Skull and Bones members or if you care to read "Trance Formation in America" and not be very concerned with these Illuminati families warring each other.
Sorry I don't believe in any conspiracy theories. They are made up by men,just as that book is written by a man. Men that want attention like Michael Moore.If you can call him a man lol.
Also,I don't believe everything I read.
Do you know and can show fact that these things are true? Can you prove fact that McCain is a part of any Illuminati?
As it looks to me Obama may be the one in a secret something or other.
Can you give me logical support to that assertion Glen? She is an Governor.Is your daughter?
I'd like to know why you fear her. Remember she's the VP pick.Not the Presidential pick as Obama is. Personally I feel they are about equally skilled.Obama and Palin that is.
Well geez, Mark - why are you so comfortable with white power bands?
Why am I comfortable with Obama? Because he's got a good track record of civic service, he's spent a good portion outside of politics engaged with government (did you know he taught Constitutional law?), and his ideas for fixing the country make sense.
McCain hasn't offered anything all that different from what got us into the last eight years' worth of shit, and Sarah Palin can be as plain talkin' and folksy as she wants, but she's nowhere near qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. She is unqualified at the very least.
Obama's "ties" to extremism? Sort of hard to be in politics in Chicago without running into former radicals. Dozens of other pols also worked with Ayers. So why aren't they blowing up buildings? The reverend at his church points out that US history has been shitty to black people and he's branded a terrorist. The pastor at Sarah Palin's church calls for the destruction of Jews and she's just common folks.
And McCain's time as a POW? Admirable - but how does getting shot down and surviving horrible torture qualify you to be president? It doesn't, no more than any other person in the legislature.
You talk a good game on this site about representing both sides and being fair to all perspectives, but you sound like you've made up your mind - exaggerating the worst of Obama and the best of McCain.
Face it, the black guy scares you, and you, Mister "Punk for 30 Years" or whatever is more comfortable with an old white guy.
Wow,you lefties just can't help but be nasty can you Cliff.
Don't you think you could have said that nicer?
No,the Black Guy doesn't scare me lol.I actually wanted Condoleezza Rice or even Colin Powell if it were to be a Black person. It's just beyond you why I'm Republican lol. Don't call names to someone you don't know :(
Try,I know it's hard...To be civil in debate.
The pastor at Sarah Palin's church calls for the destruction of Jews She left that church years before that guy from what I understand.Unlike Obama who threw his pastor under the bus as soon as the shit hit the fan after claiming he could no more distance himself from him (pastor) than his grandmother. I'd say that's a pretty tight relationship. Well....Until he needed to kill him off to become president :)
Hey Mark, Dude I'm so with you on this Obama thing it's ridiculous. You just can't seem to convince anyone of the truth, as though they really are mesmerized by a "messiah." I used to lean Dem until I saw how poisonously they were against Bush/thw war, etc. WTF? we wer attacked people! At one point everyone wanted us to do something. Now they just want to lay down and be run over. Anyway, maybe Obama is the antichrist. I just hope we come through in the end. So far, we have. Chemical Kevin
It's like they just don't wanna see nothing. Here.I asked. What about those crazy friends. Oh,non friends.Ya know the one that lives down in the neighborhood and likes bombing the capital and killing cops.
It's almost impossible for me to like Obama. The Antichrist thing I think is far feched but I'll tell you,Your not the only one thinking that. My TOTALLY democratic voting Mother in law thinks that lol.
Comments galore, I like it. Well Mark you're not gonna get much love on this one.... *chuckles* Does Obama really scare you? lol!! Personally, I was quite moved by him 4 years ago with his speech at the convention and still think he has the aura to capture one's attention. Politically, I'm annoyed by both parties but the GOP scares me the most, especially the last decade or so - just too conservative and ... lame. Ever since they started whoring "Jesus" to win the "religious" vote, it's hard for me to take them seriously. By no means is the Democrat party legit either, but the arogance from the Bush administration (noone is eviler than Dick Chaney) has embarrassed us world-wide and cost the middle class with new lows - something that I won't accept or forgive. If I had to pick - it ain't gonna be the GOP this time around.
Palin, p'wease...don't get me started on that one... :)
Trying to tag Obama with his association isn't too convincing for me. McCain and Palin aren't scott-free either. I have some questionable "friends" - I'm sure most of us do - but it doesn't mean I agree or endores their believes.
So in short, we need a complete Party change - we need a new vision and I really think Obama can extend that gesture. Get some great cabinet members and I'm hoping he'll do well. ....
it would be good if you'd not only read those books (b.t.w. I don't believe C. O'Brien tells the truth) but also would think about the information! if you'd have done that you'd know that the man behind Obama's election campaign is Z. Bersinki, the guy who pulled the strings on what lead to the russian invasion of Afghanistan! so what was that about the positive image of B. Obama?
as tom I'm from Europe but as you I live in a plutocrazy and neither in your country not over here voting won't change anything as long as people just got the right to elect but are denied the right to select!
there are people who explain the origins of the word politics like this: poli-tics = of greek origin
poli could be translated as many and tics could be translated as bloodsucker/bloodsucking inscet
now, that's pretty shocking to me. I come from europe and here, I haven't heard a person,even the rightwing, to say that mccain is "the one". I don't know anybody and cannot imagine someone who would vote for him (of course, the state of mind in the us is obviously very very different). I wouldn't expect it from somebody who says that listens to punk for 30 years (ok, skrewdriver is truly something else), probably has a decent education (or is that missing?) to vote for mccain.
I always thought punk comes in package with openmindedness, thinking for yourself, not believing to cheap populism, having a critical distance.
man, you actually believe that all problems which bush and his administration caused, will be solved with giving power to somebody who is even more "bush" than bush himself, somebody who has voted for 95% of the bush's laws.
Don't take in that sentimental shit(like "Palin is one of us - look, her 17yearold daughter got pregnant" , true, except most of young mothers aren't white and rich, but poor, black or hispanic) don't waste your vote on crap like this as it doesn't affect only you in america, but also other countries with its imperialist, neocolonialism, greedy politics. fuck priviliged elite, and please, do not call Obama extreme left as you're insulting many people out there who read and study,and try to think more freshly I am afraid you do not know what then socialism, communism or even anarchism stand for (maybe you should listen to some lyrics once in a while?). hope i didn't insult you, but i just told things as they are
I wouldn't expect it from somebody who says that listens to punk for 30 years (ok, skrewdriver is truly something else), probably has a decent education (or is that missing?) to vote for mccain. I always thought punk comes in package with openmindedness, thinking for yourself, not believing to cheap populism, having a critical distance.
You see your trouble is that you go through life assuming everything.
man, you actually believe that all problems which bush and his administration caused, will be solved with giving power to somebody who is even more "bush" than bush himself, somebody who has voted for 95% of the bush's laws
You have obviously been taken in by the left wing media hype,even over there in Europe. Don't you realize media hype goes both ways?
don't waste your vote on crap like this as it doesn't affect only you in america, but also other countries with its imperialist, neocolonialism, greedy politics.
So now you will tell me how to vote to please you? lol
please, do not call Obama extreme left as you're insulting many people out there who read and study,and try to think more freshly
LOL,oh god forbid. So the left can say what they like but the right should shut up? Opinions are like assholes.Everyone has one.
I am afraid you do not know what then socialism, communism or even anarchism stand for (maybe you should listen to some lyrics once in a while?). hope i didn't insult you, but i just told things as they are
Don't be afraid.I know. No you didn't insult me personally,just my intelligence lol. Funny...your telling me how it is huh...hahahaha Cute.
i have to strongly agree with you mark. i'm not too thrilled with mccain but at least i know where he stands me being from az. obama has changed his position on many things in just the past year on nuclear power the war the economy. his ads even scare me pictures of him with statements saying progress, change and hope. what does this all mean. i took a shower this morning and i changed which i think is progress and a i hope to do it all again tomorrow. he has not platform. the truth is he is not going to end the war he is going to raise taxes and create more government programs. he speaks on change but elects his vp as someone who has been in the house how long? the poeple who are going to vote for him need to do their research on him and not from his website. this can go on and on but i'm glad to hear your opinion on this mark
You would prefer Condoleezza Rice as candidate? Does is mean would like to see four more years Bush administration if possible?
You asked me why I`m scared to death with Sarah Palin?
JohnMCCains campaign was all about that he knows how to do the job, the democrats don`t - there is no time for trainee for them etc... Now if he dies ( remember he is 72 - the oldest condidate ever running for president in american history) 1 Sarah Palin don`t know what the Bush Doctrine is 2 Sarah Palin can`t name even one single newspaper 3 Sarah Palin said is God´s will to build a pipeline Alaska ( I checked that - there is no such thing in the Bible) 4 Sarah Palin announced as her skills ín foreign policy - the possibility to see russia from an island in Alaska 5 Sarah Palin believes 4000 years ago men was walking among dinosaurs 6 Sarah Palin was found guilty of being corrupt as gouverneur of Alaska.
Do you really want someone like that have control over the Nuclear codes?
The whole McCain campaign is more and more a sitcom
PS:You`re right my daughter (3 years old)is no gouverneur, but actually there seems to not much education and necessary to become one nowadays
No.I said if it were a black person.And even If I did it would mean 4 years of Condi. People,at least most are individuals.Not many think/act exactly the same way and do you think that after all those mistakes anyone would just continue making them?Knowing the country doesn't like that direction. No matter who becomes president you'll have change.No one will run the White House the same way.
JohnMCCains campaign was all about that he knows how to do the job, the democrats don`t - there is no time for trainee for them etc... Now if he dies ( remember he is 72 - the oldest condidate ever running for president in american history)
Kinda like being prejudice of someones age.lol My father is 75 and in perfect health. If we were to EXPECT someone to die...You could use the argument that Obama,being black,is a target.Maybe someone will kill him.
1 Sarah Palin don`t know what the Bush Doctrine is How do you know and so what. 2 Sarah Palin can`t name even one single newspaper Bullshit 3 Sarah Palin said is God´s will to build a pipeline Alaska ( I checked that - there is no such thing in the Bible) A figure of speech. 4 Sarah Palin announced as her skills ín foreign policy - the possibility to see russia from an island in Alaska Huh?Bullshit.She hasn't alot of expiriance in foreign policy yet.She was busy being a Governor. 5 Sarah Palin believes 4000 years ago men was walking among dinosaurs Where do you come up with this nonsense? 6 Sarah Palin was found guilty of being corrupt as gouverneur of Alaska.
Yea,terrible to get in trouble for having a police trooper fired for conduct unbecoming of an officer. All children should be tasered.
Do you really want someone like that have control over the Nuclear codes? Yes :)
Alaska is doing well.To belittle the job of a successful Governor is sure funny. It makes it really obvious your not from the U.S.
Democratic Congress and Democratic President. Is that a good idea?
On paper, probably not. At least the Judiciary is still leaning conservative. So you get to have 1/3 of the power as leaning towards the Republican ideology, chuckles.
This is a result of 8 years of GOP neglect and the people are finally voicing their opinions. Rather then trying to fix the problems the last 4 years, the Bush administration took the high road and the end result, he may be written down as the worst president EVER. In many ways McCain really had a disadvantage because of this. Personally, I'm looking forward to this election. Sometimes you just need a new attitude from the white house because - it's not what the government can do for you, it's what YOU can do for the government to improve ones situation.
Mark, you may even lose Florida to the lefties this election - doh!
Don't get me wrong, both candidates suck and Obama is leading some sort of liberal-fascist movement in how iconic he has become and his uniting of working class people and business in pursuit of "change" but what is punk but steeped in extremism?
I don't throw this term around, but if you think the Weathermen are too extreme, you're a poser. Why are you even interested in this music? Bill Ayers should be touted as an American hero, his "extremism" a passion for social justice. Wasn't punk about being a threat to the status quo? Wasn't it supposed to be about changing things? Don't get caught up in the the neo-conservatives' lame character assassinations.
In 1997 Sarah Palin allegedly had a conversation with Alaskan music teacher Philip Munger about dinosaurs, in which she said "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time
Hi Mark I`m not an american - but everything that the Glen guy wrote about Palin is true - you can easily investigate that. Strange too see that someone on different continent is more informed on the candidates you are going to vote than you are
I guess they don't release any anti Obama stuff over there in Europe.
It seems you all see one side of the story and are satisfied with that.
Chris,I grew up.I have new and very different values than when I was young.Not to mention yesterday was different than today.
I'm patriotic and want the best for my country and for my family.If that makes me a poser to you,that's ok by me.
Robashito,you may be right...we'll see.There are alot of Jews here :) They don't seem to dig Obama.Maybe they will make the difference.
Glen,of coarse you can answer lol It's just debate man. I got nothing against no one.
The stuff on Palin is...lame. In comparison that is...
So on Obama,I should believe that everything bad saidand shown about him is a lie?He's really a great person,will change everything and make it all better. Thats it?
Hey, at least the market did well today. Gas prices are going down. My local super has beer on sale. We had an Indian Summer like weather today in South Carolina. I'm diggin' it. Cheers.
So on Obama,I should believe that everything bad saidand shown about him is a lie?He's really a great person,will change everything and make it all better. Thats it?
No Who said that?
The stuff on Palin is...lame. In comparison that is...
I wondered because I answered before... somehow it did not appear here!
What I wrote about Palin are facts - easy to proove for everyone
You call these facts lame ??? If Obama or Biden would done or said only one of that list all hell would break loose. (specially being corrupt)
I'm patriotic and want the best for my country and for my family.If that makes me a poser to you,that's ok by me.
That what everone wants I guesss but you seem to blinded and ignorant to reality... you only see want you want to see (patriotism does not mean being Republican)
Obama is not the messiah or whatever - there are a lot thinks I don`t like about him either, but in comparism Obama/Biden is for just the much better option than McCain/Palin.
Mc would be not much of a change ...
and to the guy who said taxes will grow if Obama becomes President. I fear that`s true! but the truth is taxes will grow also if McCain becomes president. Look at the economy, look at the indebtedness. They both don`t tell us the truth when comes to this point.There is not much of an option for both of them...
since when is punk believing in socialism. since when is punk believing in government being the solution to your problems. change is good but not when you have some egotistical dipshit in power determining what that change is. social programs, taxes we should be able to determine our own lifes and keep government out. if you believe in this why would you support neo-liberal views
I will probably vote for Obama.Sorry Mark but the Republicans have had their day and at a great cost to us all.Let us look back at their last 8 years track record and see the BS fly. I saved money for years to put away for my future.I am 53 now and am a original Boston Mass punk from the 70's.Since last Nov. I have seen a little over a third of my ROTH IRA pissed away. I have watched us get involved in two separate wars and any general will tell you the horror of opening up 2 fronts is not a cool thing. Global warming and pollution control is krap with the rich republicans who want to line their pockets before fixing our world. Sarah Palin is so against abortion that she believs if some woman gets RAPED or is a victim of INCEST she should have the baby.Maybe she ought to get raped to see how thast might feel huh Sarah.Abortion should be a women's choice and these BS politics should keep their frakken religious garbage out of my life. I am done here I am sick of the state of our country.I am voting the republicans out for better or worse.At least things were better when Clinton was around. Obama is not perfect and neither is McCaine but I have to go with the democrats and give them a chance to do something different
A conservative Republican who listens to punk,hardcore,Oi!, and Ska?! I REALLY don't get that. But then on top of that, believing far right-wing paranoia about 0bama that's not based in anything factual? Are you aware that normal people don't take Farrakhan or that far-right video you posted seriously? Come on man! I think you need to re-listen to the lyrics of all these albums you're posting. And I'm pretty sure you're no upper-middle class to millionaire person who's gonna benefit from McCain as president.
You don't get me because your not me. Come on man...
"Re-listen to the lyrics" Come on man,I don't think by lyrics.I have my own mind.
You didn't listen to the 3rd debate? Come on man...
You don't have to appreciate my views. Just tell me why I should think like you.Give me the +'s No one can seem to get that message.Instead they attack me and my views and tell or make it seem like I'm stupid. Nice work!
Mark I respect your views although I don't agree at all, but thats what makes the world go round. I really don't see much different between the republican and democrat party, they both seem right winged with the republican party being slightly more right. Im not going to vote for either. It seems like no matter who wins were fucked. On a different note thanks for all the sick posts, I've found a lot of extremely hard to stuff on here. -L.D.B.
Some of you folks are being insensitve. So what if Mark doesn't have the same mind set as yours, big fucking deal. I don't expect anyone to think like me BUT I still give due credit to those that think diffently. We don't live in a homogenous world - we all have are opinions and beliefs but we still can live side by side - its not like Mark is provoking some violent movement, he's just stating who he's likely going to vote for. Besides, this is a music blog not some sort of political blog. Lastly, if anything, punk means thinking for yourself. No?
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This one for you ClassicMusic20. I know you want trendy Yacht Rock for your radio but calling soft Christian rock by that genre just to get me to buy something won't work and never putting a penny of your own money for anything while using pressure buy to make me buy the last one on Discogs is lame for lame music my Goodwill steals are Sanctified.as R.L. Burnside used to say live.
Do you really think it would be better to have Mc Cain and Palin ?
I don't agree with Farrakhan on most things. But I am definitely voting for Obama next month. McCaine has no plan or motivation (and Palin is a wack-job!)
Opinions a great thing sometimes.
They help a person understand others feelings.
I posted this because I wanted to try to understand Obama supporters.
To begin,I don't think either is the perfect fit for the job.I guess none are ever perfect are they.
However,I feel Sen. McCain is a more trusted leader.He's someone with alot of life and political experiance.Gov. Palin appears to me to be a genuine person.Someone I can relate to.What really hooked me with her though was knowing she has a child with disabilities,then hearing her say more than once that she will be my advocate in the White House.I can't tell you what that means to me for my child.
I'm not going to go deep into my reasonings about MCain yet.He's a hero.
It's not true they have no plan.
These are things said back and forth by both parties.
On Obama...
I'm scared to death of him.
Something I feel is very wrong with him.
He has way too many friends/aquaintances that are steeped in extremism.
I believe he is not what he seems.
I believe he is ultra left,wants control and big government.
When watching him,he comes across arrogant and as if he himself thinks he is the Messiah.
Kids in schools singing Obama songs,Hollywoods love of him along with the biggest devils,the Media.
All signs to me that he's wrong.
But...That's my opinion.
I'm for the right to choose,for stem cell research...
But Obama scares the hell outta me.
Oh and Joe Biden.
He's ok.He reminds me of someones grandpa that alaways embaresses them in public.He means well and has a good heart.
He just want's to be in higher office :)
Can you all tell me what you think about knowing all these shady characters in Baracks past?
I'd like to know your take on each.
I`m a european ... so obviously I`m not allowed to vote your president, but of course the US election is a big issue over here too.
maybe it is something typical american that you more look at the candidates itself as at what they stand for.
I mean did you read the programs of the democratic and republican party?
I personaly think maybe after eight years some fresh air would be healthy, I don`t think one party should have the power too long ... change is what keeps democracy alive.
I look at their "programs".
I'm not happy with either.But one seems safer to me.I just don't trust Obama.At all.
I feel the Democratic party has changed from what it was and has gotten ultra liberal.
I agree but change at what price.
Change is just a word.
Both use it.
Until it's shown It will remain a word.
Candidates are always making promises :)
McCain is not Bush.
He's a thorn in the Republicans side.
He makes his own decisions.
Anyone in office will be change.
Obama is a positive image that shows our Arab and Muslim brothers that we all really know that 911 was an inside job and that every major U.S. war has been manufactured by a Secret Govt. as described by Jim Marrs. Let's get real people, the last two candidates were both Skull and Bones members or if you care to read "Trance Formation in America" and not be very concerned with these Illuminati families warring each other.
Sorry I don't believe in any conspiracy theories.
They are made up by men,just as that book is written by a man.
Men that want attention like Michael Moore.If you can call him a man lol.
Also,I don't believe everything I read.
Do you know and can show fact that these things are true?
Can you prove fact that McCain is a part of any Illuminati?
As it looks to me Obama may be the one in a secret something or other.
I vote for Obama
The Hockey Mom in the White House? that woman really frightens me to death!
My little daughter has more skills to be Vice President.
McCain well yes he is a hero - but what else?
Can you give me logical support to that assertion Glen?
She is an Governor.Is your daughter?
I'd like to know why you fear her.
Remember she's the VP pick.Not the Presidential pick as Obama is.
Personally I feel they are about equally skilled.Obama and Palin that is.
Well geez, Mark - why are you so comfortable with white power bands?
Why am I comfortable with Obama? Because he's got a good track record of civic service, he's spent a good portion outside of politics engaged with government (did you know he taught Constitutional law?), and his ideas for fixing the country make sense.
McCain hasn't offered anything all that different from what got us into the last eight years' worth of shit, and Sarah Palin can be as plain talkin' and folksy as she wants, but she's nowhere near qualified to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. She is unqualified at the very least.
Obama's "ties" to extremism? Sort of hard to be in politics in Chicago without running into former radicals. Dozens of other pols also worked with Ayers. So why aren't they blowing up buildings? The reverend at his church points out that US history has been shitty to black people and he's branded a terrorist. The pastor at Sarah Palin's church calls for the destruction of Jews and she's just common folks.
And McCain's time as a POW? Admirable - but how does getting shot down and surviving horrible torture qualify you to be president? It doesn't, no more than any other person in the legislature.
You talk a good game on this site about representing both sides and being fair to all perspectives, but you sound like you've made up your mind - exaggerating the worst of Obama and the best of McCain.
Face it, the black guy scares you, and you, Mister "Punk for 30 Years" or whatever is more comfortable with an old white guy.
Love the Skrewdriver posts, by the way.
Wow,you lefties just can't help but be nasty can you Cliff.
Don't you think you could have said that nicer?
No,the Black Guy doesn't scare me lol.I actually wanted Condoleezza Rice or even Colin Powell if it were to be a Black person.
It's just beyond you why I'm Republican lol.
Don't call names to someone you don't know :(
Try,I know it's hard...To be civil in debate.
The pastor at Sarah Palin's church calls for the destruction of Jews
She left that church years before that guy from what I understand.Unlike Obama who threw his pastor under the bus as soon as the shit hit the fan after claiming he could no more distance himself from him (pastor) than his grandmother.
I'd say that's a pretty tight relationship.
Well....Until he needed to kill him off to become president :)
You know they do what they gotta do...
Hey Mark,
Dude I'm so with you on this Obama thing it's ridiculous. You just can't seem to convince anyone of the truth, as though they really are mesmerized by a "messiah." I used to lean Dem until I saw how poisonously they were against Bush/thw war, etc. WTF? we wer attacked people! At one point everyone wanted us to do something. Now they just want to lay down and be run over. Anyway, maybe Obama is the antichrist. I just hope we come through in the end. So far, we have.
Chemical Kevin
Thanks Kevin.
I knew I wasn't alone in those feelings.
It's like they just don't wanna see nothing.
Here.I asked.
What about those crazy friends.
Oh,non friends.Ya know the one that lives down in the neighborhood and likes bombing the capital and killing cops.
It's almost impossible for me to like Obama.
The Antichrist thing I think is far feched but I'll tell you,Your not the only one thinking that.
My TOTALLY democratic voting Mother in law thinks that lol.
I am scared for America.
Comments galore, I like it. Well Mark you're not gonna get much love on this one.... *chuckles*
Does Obama really scare you? lol!! Personally, I was quite moved by him 4 years ago with his speech at the convention and still think he has the aura to capture one's attention. Politically, I'm annoyed by both parties but the GOP scares me the most, especially the last decade or so - just too conservative and ... lame. Ever since they started whoring "Jesus" to win the "religious" vote, it's hard for me to take them seriously. By no means is the Democrat party legit either, but the arogance from the Bush administration (noone is eviler than Dick Chaney) has embarrassed us world-wide and cost the middle class with new lows - something that I won't accept or forgive.
If I had to pick - it ain't gonna be the GOP this time around.
Palin, p'wease...don't get me started on that one... :)
Trying to tag Obama with his association isn't too convincing for me. McCain and Palin aren't scott-free either. I have some questionable "friends" - I'm sure most of us do - but it doesn't mean I agree or endores their believes.
So in short, we need a complete Party change - we need a new vision and I really think Obama can extend that gesture. Get some great cabinet members and I'm hoping he'll do well. ....
....not bad for a 1/2 white dude, lol.
Cheers and bring on the noise!
it would be good if you'd not only read those books (b.t.w. I don't believe C. O'Brien tells the truth) but also would think about the information! if you'd have done that you'd know that the man behind Obama's election campaign is Z. Bersinki, the guy who pulled the strings on what lead to the russian invasion of Afghanistan! so what was that about the positive image of B. Obama?
as tom I'm from Europe but as you I live in a plutocrazy and neither in your country not over here voting won't change anything as long as people just got the right to elect but are denied the right to select!
there are people who explain the origins of the word politics like this:
poli-tics = of greek origin
poli could be translated as many and
tics could be translated as bloodsucker/bloodsucking inscet
funny huh?
now, that's pretty shocking to me.
I come from europe and here, I haven't heard a person,even the rightwing, to say that mccain is "the one".
I don't know anybody and cannot imagine someone who would vote for him (of course, the state of mind in the us is obviously very very different).
I wouldn't expect it from somebody who says that listens to punk for 30 years (ok, skrewdriver is truly something else), probably has a decent education (or is that missing?) to vote for mccain.
I always thought punk comes in package with openmindedness, thinking for yourself, not believing to cheap populism, having a critical distance.
man, you actually believe that all problems which bush and his administration caused, will be solved with giving power to somebody who is even more "bush" than bush himself, somebody who has voted for 95% of the bush's laws.
Don't take in that sentimental shit(like "Palin is one of us - look, her 17yearold daughter got pregnant" , true, except most of young mothers aren't white and rich, but poor, black or hispanic) don't waste your vote on crap like this as it doesn't affect only you in america, but also other countries with its imperialist, neocolonialism, greedy politics.
fuck priviliged elite, and please, do not call Obama extreme left as you're insulting many people out there who read and study,and try to think more freshly
I am afraid you do not know what then socialism, communism or even anarchism stand for (maybe you should listen to some lyrics once in a while?).
hope i didn't insult you, but i just told things as they are
I wouldn't expect it from somebody who says that listens to punk for 30 years (ok, skrewdriver is truly something else), probably has a decent education (or is that missing?) to vote for mccain.
I always thought punk comes in package with openmindedness, thinking for yourself, not believing to cheap populism, having a critical distance.
You see your trouble is that you go through life assuming everything.
man, you actually believe that all problems which bush and his administration caused, will be solved with giving power to somebody who is even more "bush" than bush himself, somebody who has voted for 95% of the bush's laws
You have obviously been taken in by the left wing media hype,even over there in Europe.
Don't you realize media hype goes both ways?
don't waste your vote on crap like this as it doesn't affect only you in america, but also other countries with its imperialist, neocolonialism, greedy politics.
So now you will tell me how to vote to please you? lol
please, do not call Obama extreme left as you're insulting many people out there who read and study,and try to think more freshly
LOL,oh god forbid.
So the left can say what they like but the right should shut up?
Opinions are like assholes.Everyone has one.
I am afraid you do not know what then socialism, communism or even anarchism stand for (maybe you should listen to some lyrics once in a while?).
hope i didn't insult you, but i just told things as they are
Don't be afraid.I know.
No you didn't insult me personally,just my intelligence lol.
Funny...your telling me how it is huh...hahahaha
i have to strongly agree with you mark. i'm not too thrilled with mccain but at least i know where he stands me being from az. obama has changed his position on many things in just the past year on nuclear power the war the economy. his ads even scare me pictures of him with statements saying progress, change and hope. what does this all mean. i took a shower this morning and i changed which i think is progress and a i hope to do it all again tomorrow. he has not platform. the truth is he is not going to end the war he is going to raise taxes and create more government programs. he speaks on change but elects his vp as someone who has been in the house how long? the poeple who are going to vote for him need to do their research on him and not from his website. this can go on and on but i'm glad to hear your opinion on this mark
So what
You are not a Censor ...LOL
You would prefer Condoleezza Rice as candidate? Does is mean would like to see four more years Bush administration if possible?
You asked me why I`m scared to death with Sarah Palin?
JohnMCCains campaign was all about that he knows how to do the job, the democrats don`t - there is no time for trainee for them etc...
Now if he dies ( remember he is 72 - the oldest condidate ever running for president in american history)
1 Sarah Palin don`t know what the Bush Doctrine is
2 Sarah Palin can`t name even one single newspaper
3 Sarah Palin said is God´s will to build a pipeline Alaska
( I checked that - there is no such thing in the Bible)
4 Sarah Palin announced as her skills ín foreign policy - the possibility to see russia from an island in Alaska
5 Sarah Palin believes 4000 years ago men was walking among dinosaurs
6 Sarah Palin was found guilty of being corrupt as gouverneur of Alaska.
Do you really want someone like that have control over the Nuclear codes?
The whole McCain campaign is more and more a sitcom
PS:You`re right my daughter (3 years old)is no gouverneur, but actually there seems to not much education and necessary to become one nowadays
OOOOPS - sorry about the confusing last sentence - that happens when you try to write something while a three year old is climbing all over you.
You would prefer Condoleezza Rice as candidate?
No.I said if it were a black person.And even If I did it would mean 4 years of Condi.
People,at least most are individuals.Not many think/act exactly the same way and do you think that after all those mistakes anyone would just continue making them?Knowing the country doesn't like that direction.
No matter who becomes president you'll have change.No one will run the White House the same way.
JohnMCCains campaign was all about that he knows how to do the job, the democrats don`t - there is no time for trainee for them etc...
Now if he dies ( remember he is 72 - the oldest condidate ever running for president in american history)
Kinda like being prejudice of someones age.lol
My father is 75 and in perfect health.
If we were to EXPECT someone to die...You could use the argument that Obama,being black,is a target.Maybe someone will kill him.
1 Sarah Palin don`t know what the Bush Doctrine is
How do you know and so what.
2 Sarah Palin can`t name even one single newspaper
3 Sarah Palin said is God´s will to build a pipeline Alaska
( I checked that - there is no such thing in the Bible)
A figure of speech.
4 Sarah Palin announced as her skills ín foreign policy - the possibility to see russia from an island in Alaska
Huh?Bullshit.She hasn't alot of expiriance in foreign policy yet.She was busy being a Governor.
5 Sarah Palin believes 4000 years ago men was walking among dinosaurs
Where do you come up with this nonsense?
6 Sarah Palin was found guilty of being corrupt as gouverneur of Alaska.
Yea,terrible to get in trouble for having a police trooper fired for conduct unbecoming of an officer.
All children should be tasered.
Do you really want someone like that have control over the Nuclear codes?
Yes :)
Alaska is doing well.To belittle the job of a successful Governor is sure funny.
It makes it really obvious your not from the U.S.
I'll add...
Democratic Congress and Democratic President.
Is that a good idea?
It didn't work out to well the other way around.
I prefer my country non partisan.
My father died at age 74
That happens (I hope it will not !)
that one of the reasons there is a VP by the way
Democratic Congress and Democratic President.
Is that a good idea?
On paper, probably not. At least the Judiciary is still leaning conservative. So you get to have 1/3 of the power as leaning towards the Republican ideology, chuckles.
This is a result of 8 years of GOP neglect and the people are finally voicing their opinions. Rather then trying to fix the problems the last 4 years, the Bush administration took the high road and the end result, he may be written down as the worst president EVER. In many ways McCain really had a disadvantage because of this.
Personally, I'm looking forward to this election. Sometimes you just need a new attitude from the white house because - it's not what the government can do for you, it's what YOU can do for the government to improve ones situation.
Mark, you may even lose Florida to the lefties this election - doh!
Hmmm - you don`t want me to answer?
Obama too steeped in extremism?
Don't get me wrong, both candidates suck and Obama is leading some sort of liberal-fascist movement in how iconic he has become and his uniting of working class people and business in pursuit of "change" but what is punk but steeped in extremism?
I don't throw this term around, but if you think the Weathermen are too extreme, you're a poser. Why are you even interested in this music? Bill Ayers should be touted as an American hero, his "extremism" a passion for social justice. Wasn't punk about being a threat to the status quo? Wasn't it supposed to be about changing things? Don't get caught up in the the neo-conservatives' lame character assassinations.
Fuck it, Bill Ayers for president!
In 1997 Sarah Palin allegedly had a conversation with Alaskan music teacher Philip Munger about dinosaurs, in which she said "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time
...nothing more need to be said...
Hi Mark
I`m not an american - but everything that the Glen guy wrote about Palin is true - you can easily investigate that.
Strange too see that someone on different continent is more informed on the candidates you are going to vote than you are
I guess they don't release any anti Obama stuff over there in Europe.
It seems you all see one side of the story and are satisfied with that.
Chris,I grew up.I have new and very different values than when I was young.Not to mention yesterday was different than today.
I'm patriotic and want the best for my country and for my family.If that makes me a poser to you,that's ok by me.
Robashito,you may be right...we'll see.There are alot of Jews here :)
They don't seem to dig Obama.Maybe they will make the difference.
Glen,of coarse you can answer lol
It's just debate man.
I got nothing against no one.
The stuff on Palin is...lame.
In comparison that is...
So on Obama,I should believe that everything bad saidand shown about him is a lie?He's really a great person,will change everything and make it all better.
Thats it?
Hey, at least the market did well today. Gas prices are going down. My local super has beer on sale. We had an Indian Summer like weather today in South Carolina. I'm diggin' it.
So on Obama,I should believe that everything bad saidand shown about him is a lie?He's really a great person,will change everything and make it all better.
Thats it?
Who said that?
The stuff on Palin is...lame.
In comparison that is...
Ahh first it was bullshit
now it is lame...
Jeees - you`re a pretender
I wondered because I answered before... somehow it did not appear here!
What I wrote about Palin are facts - easy to proove for everyone
You call these facts lame ???
If Obama or Biden would done or said only one of that list all hell would break loose.
(specially being corrupt)
I'm patriotic and want the best for my country and for my family.If that makes me a poser to you,that's ok by me.
That what everone wants I guesss
but you seem to blinded and ignorant to reality... you only see want you want to see
(patriotism does not mean being Republican)
Obama is not the messiah or whatever - there are a lot thinks I don`t like about him either,
but in comparism Obama/Biden is for just the much better option than McCain/Palin.
Mc would be not much of a change ...
and to the guy who said taxes will grow if Obama becomes President.
I fear that`s true!
but the truth is taxes will grow also if McCain becomes president.
Look at the economy, look at the indebtedness. They both don`t tell us the truth when comes to this point.There is not much of an option for both of them...
since when is punk believing in socialism. since when is punk believing in government being the solution to your problems. change is good but not when you have some egotistical dipshit in power determining what that change is. social programs, taxes we should be able to determine our own lifes and keep government out. if you believe in this why would you support neo-liberal views
I will probably vote for Obama.Sorry Mark but the Republicans have had their day and at a great cost to us all.Let us look back at their last 8 years track record and see the BS fly.
I saved money for years to put away for my future.I am 53 now and am a original Boston Mass punk from the 70's.Since last Nov. I have seen a little over a third of my ROTH IRA pissed away.
I have watched us get involved in two separate wars and any general will tell you the horror of opening up 2 fronts is not a cool thing.
Global warming and pollution control is krap with the rich republicans who want to line their pockets before fixing our world.
Sarah Palin is so against abortion that she believs if some woman gets RAPED or is a victim of INCEST she should have the baby.Maybe she ought to get raped to see how thast might feel huh Sarah.Abortion should be a women's choice and these BS politics should keep their frakken religious garbage out of my life.
I am done here I am sick of the state of our country.I am voting the republicans out for better or worse.At least things were better when Clinton was around.
Obama is not perfect and neither is McCaine but I have to go with the democrats and give them a chance to do something different
A conservative Republican who listens to punk,hardcore,Oi!, and Ska?! I REALLY don't get that. But then on top of that, believing far right-wing paranoia about 0bama that's not based in anything factual? Are you aware that normal people don't take Farrakhan or that far-right video you posted seriously? Come on man! I think you need to re-listen to the lyrics of all these albums you're posting. And I'm pretty sure you're no upper-middle class to millionaire person who's gonna benefit from McCain as president.
Come on man,come on man...
You don't get me because your not me.
Come on man...
"Re-listen to the lyrics"
Come on man,I don't think by lyrics.I have my own mind.
You didn't listen to the 3rd debate?
Come on man...
You don't have to appreciate my views.
Just tell me why I should think like you.Give me the +'s
No one can seem to get that message.Instead they attack me and my views and tell or make it seem like I'm stupid.
Nice work!
Mark I respect your views although I don't agree at all, but thats what makes the world go round. I really don't see much different between the republican and democrat party, they both seem right winged with the republican party being slightly more right. Im not going to vote for either. It seems like no matter who wins were fucked. On a different note thanks for all the sick posts, I've found a lot of extremely hard to stuff on here.
Mark - you are stupid!
"No one can seem to get that message.Instead they attack me and my views and tell or make it seem like I'm stupid."
I just read all the commets here. A lot of people communicated their thoughts here.
All you do is to deny the arguments flatly - and now you react insulted
That`s a pretty childish behaviour !
Some of you folks are being insensitve. So what if Mark doesn't have the same mind set as yours, big fucking deal. I don't expect anyone to think like me BUT I still give due credit to those that think diffently. We don't live in a homogenous world - we all have are opinions and beliefs but we still can live side by side - its not like Mark is provoking some violent movement, he's just stating who he's likely going to vote for. Besides, this is a music blog not some sort of political blog. Lastly, if anything, punk means thinking for yourself. No?
Pssst, Obama's gonna win though. :)
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