Sure, and never forget Irak with one 11 september every day since 2003, and never forget those millions who died by the hands of USA's warfare since the end of the second world war.
.....and never forget those millions who died by the hands of USA's warfare since the end of the second world war. right! nagsaki, hirosima, irak, vietnam, europe and many more...FUCK USA! why you put punk music?? you are a yuppie capitalist supporter!
You hate the U.S. You most likely hate police and your parents too. Anyone who keeps you safe. For those who keep you safe must be your scapegoats too. You want them to be there when there is a job to do,then criticize this job after it's done knowing in the back of your mind that you couldn't or wouldn't do said job yourself.
Furthermore. Many people of many nations died this day. This isn't an U.S. memorial. What part of World Trade Center do you not understand?
Yuppie?lol. I'm a bit old for that and doubt I ever fit that description
Capitalist?Well.I make a living. I have a family.And yes,I'm proud to be an American. I love my country. Do you hate yours? Maybe you should try mine :)
it's ok to love your country fuck all governments they all have blood on there hands.but our government could have stoped it for a would week before 911 the government told all federal employees not to fly they totaly knew but bush wanted his war i was for going into afghanistan to get those alkida and talabani murders but there realy was no need to go into iraq we had them undercontrol but no bush had to finish his dadies war and all those people died for nothing in this pointless 2nd iraq war.all those soldiers died for nothing it just makes me sick.
Conspiracy theories lol. I don't buy that at all. If you mean they knew something was coming you may be right. Clinton knew.But he was busy dealing with the mess of his Oval Office oral escapade. Don't blame Bush.He came into office December 2000.Who ran the show before that?
He's not perfect and in many peoples eyes had made mistakes but I wonder who could have handled a national terrorist attack better with only 9 months under his belt.
As far as Iraq. Well Saddam refused to let in the inspectors after already invading his neighbor. He threatened Israel. His other neighbors would do nothing due to the fact that they didn't care since they hate Israel and the U.S. also. The U.N. set the rules.He broke them. It was up to the U.N. to back up their word...but they like most other countries refused to act.
Try reading the news or maybe a history book.
Oh yea... We need Governments. Without them there would be chaos. You wouldn't want to be murdered would you?
Now here's a question for all.
Imagine a world without the U.S. Would it be the same world?
There is no way I'll forget this day, seeing as how I was at the WTC that day, having arrived for worked just a few minutes after the first plane hit.
It was a life-changing experience to say the least, and even seven years later new thoughts occur to me, such as after I picked up my daughter from school (who was born only 9 days after 9/11) and realized if I had stood my ground five more minutes I would have died on that ground - and never seen my daughter. Or have had my second one. My wife would have been another name on a list of widows.
i got my info from the news and bush did totaly planed on invading iraq he was just looking for a reason and 911 gave him that.i had friend who worked for the fedral government who told me about federal employees being asked not to fly for a week so they knew something was going to happen.
hey hears something i forgot to add the us had set up on fly zones in iraq in the north and south of the country we knew he didn't have shit every time sadams aircraft went into those zone we blew them out of the skyies he realy was no threat to anyone just his own people.there is a need for government but not for one that lies to us and missleads us
Just because you work for the fedral government doesn't mean you know all of what's going on. There very well may have been some sort of warning issued but at that time there were many and like hurricane warnings,when you get them but never get hit you tend to dismiss them and let your guard down. We had never been attacked from terrorists before in such a grand scale.Our guard was down.
Patriotism may be shit to you. Not me. This country I live in gave me and my relatives a wonderful life. My father came here an Armenian born and living in Iran. He worked the oil fields for years till he had enough money to come to the U.S. It was like a dream. My grandfather told him he was crazy and would never do it,that he would beg to come home to Iran. My father laughed at him. He did it.Made enough money here to buy his own business,made enough on that to buy the property and then some more. He wrote back to the rest of the family telling them to come to the land of milk and honey. They did.Including my grandfather :) Today they all live here and prosper. In Iran the lived in mud looking buildings.Today they all have they're own businesses and beautiful homes.
Yeah.I fucking love the U.S.A.
(Brekinapez,I'm glad you got outta there bro.That must have been like a nightmare.Your family must have been in a panic.)
It is very sad that a 9-11 memorial post would result in such hate filled comments. The day was a f*cking tragedy, regardless of whether the US response has been correct or not.
I live in New York and I know people who were directly affected by what happened.
The victims in the WTC, Pentagon and United Flight 93 and the other three planes were murdered, as are the scores of people who eventually will die as they are still suffering from health problems related to the attacks.
I remember this day.My wife and I had no television.We were so shocked for what was happend.We`ve heared all the news in radio till the early morning.We coudn`t sleep.We heared that american soldiers were landing in Afghanistan.It was a feeling like World-War 3 was coming over the earth.We were afraid of this all. fischmann
The hate that appears in posts like this is not new to me - its the main reason I don't speak about it to my wife's high school students. We live in an ass-backwards part of Georgia, where after I gave my story some of the students snicker and praise God for killing those faggot-lovers in NYC. Jesus must vomit in his grave every time one of those sick fucks say such garbage in his name. I would get so angry, but I couldn't very well cost my wife her job by beating the shit out of a 16-year-old so I just stopped talking about 9/11 to the assholes called my neighbors.
Ha ha ha, that was one of the funniest posts I ever saw on an illegal MP3 download blog!
Good job, Mr. Underground.
(By the way, you may be a patriot as you like, but please be aware that over-zealous patriotism caused two world wars and the Holocaust in the last 100 years.)
I believe that there is no need to be hating one another, no matter which side of this issue you are on.
Those who say it was a tragedy & that innocent people died are right & those who say Fuck Bush are also right.
The Corporate-run Amerrikka of Bush & his Skull & Bone Billionaire buddies are to blame, not the country or the people of America. But to glorify & hallow an event that just was used by the Bushies as a stepping stone for more world domination is sending the wrong message, considering the fact that Osama is still at large & the WMD fictions were purposefully perpetrated lies.
I have problem with what you said, though, Mark. A self-proclaimed punk saying "Oh,yea...We need Governments. Without them there would be chaos." The punk ethos is based on chaos & anarchy. I don't need any Government telling me what to do or not to do. I am an intelligent human being who can compassionately determine how to properly treat my neighbors & fellow humans. For any Government to think we as human adults are not capable of right-thinking is demeaning & patronizing.
Then you go on to say "You wouldn't want to be murdered would you?" Well, no, I wouldn't, but even with Government people are murdered. In fact Governments & Religions have murdered more people than free thinking individuals ever have. & also you are somehow equating chaos with murder, but that is faulty logic.
I have posted my own thoughts over at NSS, for what my two cents are worth.
I think the point here is to remember all of the innocent people that died on 9/11! Am I a Bush supporter? No. Do I think there are many "facts" on 9/11 that just don't add up. Yes! But to trash someone for their own opinion on 9/11 and for being patriotic is just lame. America, is one of the best places to live in the world right now and if you don't like the current administration, then get off your ass this November and vote!
Punk ethos? Not for me... I'm older now.I grew up.I have a family.Responsibility.
I don't need any Government telling me what to do or not to do. Criminals feel the same way.
I am an intelligent human being who can compassionately determine how to properly treat my neighbors & fellow humans. Yes,you very well may be.But some people don't feel the same way as you and may not treat you so properly.
even with Government people are murdered You are right.But we all need some sort of law and order.
Again,I don't believe in stupid conspiracy theories.They are not fact. Chaos may not mean murder but in most cases means not good things. I sure don't want any.
Criminals feel the same way. So you believe that all laws are just. Because right or wrong does not make criminals, society makes criminals & societies constantly change. A criminal is someone who breaks an existing law & if some laws are bad, then not all criminals are bad. Bob Dylan said you must be honest to live outside the law.
may not treat me as properly. I don't imagine or expect that all people will treat me properly, but I don't expect the Government to take care of me. I am nearly 60 years old & have always taken care of mine & myself since I was old enough.
We all need dome sort of law & order. As I have always taught my daughter, now 26 & have always lived by with her...We only need one law - THINK! & as for order, this is not an ordered Universe. Man simply tries to impose order on it because he does not understand it.
These are not fact. Chaos...means not good things. This is blatantly false & where are your facts. You need to learn about Chaos, it is the only thing that will stop the Entropy that leads to destruction.
It is fine to beat a drum, but if you beat it so loudly that you no longer can hear, you may not be in time with the rest of the players.
Everyone lives they're own way of life.What works for you may not for others.
Chaos to me means disorder.While disorder may lead to something better,being in a state of disorder isn't a good thing.Not for me.
If you are a citizen of the U.S. you have the right to vote.You also have the right to enter the political arena to present your views to the public.
PS It is fine to beat a drum, but if you beat it so loudly that you no longer can hear, you may not be in time with the rest of the players WTF does that mean? I'm being myself.I'm not a comic book person. I posted a 911 memorial pic because I care & know alot of people affected by it. I got hostile responses. I let you all know how I felt,honestly.And was persecuted.
Amazing how much you all hate people who are different from you.
Mark, this crap happens everywhere. Someone posted a similar topic at the Battlefield 2 forums and a bunch of assholes piled on to wreck yet another attempt at recognizing such a tragic event.
I wonder how many of the people posting here (and at PBF) support the Westboro Church when they go to the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and broadcast their messages of hate.
Seriously, you guys are within your rights to have an opinion on the subject, but maybe you need to post your opinions on your own blogs and not soil someone's heartfelt message of condolences to the innocent dead. All you're doing is making yourselves look like crass dick heads.
Ok, 911 was a tragedy, but hey it's time for you people over there in the states to come out of your small box and open up your eyes. USA is not the world whatever you people say....There are other people here too at this planet, and they don't want USA dominance and excauses for bombing other people back to the stoneage. The American moral sucks talking about freedom. And in the best of the worlds there are no white christan moral ultra rightwings, There are no people who have the right to be armed to live in a safe society, there are no niggers and no ku klux klan. There are no people without healtcare and no social justice. And by the way, If we should practice the nürnberg rules today, every American president since 1945 should be judged as a war criminal. You people have to look outside your own backyard to understand what world your system create. You don't understand the influence of you american way and the monster you construct. I don't have anything against the peole who lives in the states but you must know the truth before you say that you have pride...and by the way again...who celibrates the innocents in Afghanistan and in Irak killd by American arms.
Setback,Why don't you start your own Anti-American Blog? I'm glad you live where you do,not here. I can think/believe and be proud of whatever I like. If you don't like it...You know what to do.
USA is not the world I never said it was.
If you don't like U.S. anything in your country.Do something about it. Become a politician for your country and throw out all that is U.S. If you don't...then your just bitching. You can be gutless and whine or you could act.You decide.
Again...This was a memorial for the people who tragically died that day.People from all over the world.Not just Americans dummy. By debating the subject you make yourself look like an cold cruel ass.
being a frenchman, an european, I share the same values as the american people, and I know that the attacks against the world trade center are an attack against our society and our liberties but to compare the USA with my parents is a little bit too much for my taste. and if the USA want to protect me, why can't I vote for their president? critisism doesn't always means reject. these stupid jihadists hate our democracy and our liberty, not only the USA.
Laurent :) 100% right on. But when you said "to compare the USA with my parents".I guess something got lost in translation. I never compared my parents to my nation. I told the story of my fathers immigration here so that people could understand why I love my country.
U.S. protects who is necessary. Countries/Peoples who are threatened and haven't the ability to protect themselves.You should know that :)
hi mark, thanks for your fast response I wasn't refering to your own history but to your sentence : "you hate the USA (...) you most likely hate your parents" I understand why you love your country and I hope that you understand that the values of both our countries are the same, even if the medias try to caricature our differences. like I said, I think it's our liberty against their obsurantism, and it's a strong battle, and I'm sure you know that there's not only american soldiers who die to protect these values.
I do Laurent.We couldn't do it alone. I love France.All of Europe. I find it fascinating.I wish I could experience more of it. I visited Germany & Italy when I was young and thought it a wonderful place. I also visited Iran the same year. Iran was...not like Europe lol.
hey mark are you a conservative republican cus you sure sound like americans consume 90 percent of what the world produces and were only ten percent of the worlds population no wonder the rest of world hates us americans so fuck the United States Empire and it's quest for world (and oil) domination.
Republican conservatives are as close to my beliefs as is available. I don't agree with all they have to say however. I'm all for a Republican fix.It's pretty obvious what's on American minds. I would like to see America need nothing from others. Dems are just too pussified for my taste.I need strength. But that's my opinion.
I try not to label myself.
Ya started that one nice enough but I guess you felt you needed to end it as an asshole.
yes, god bless amerikkka the land of the free, ha ha, the biggest warmongers of all history! if youre so patriotic go join the army and go to afghanistan, if you dont come home in a bodybag you can blow away a few innocent women and children and whilst youre killing them you can pretend you are killing all those commie punks you so love to hate! try reading the lyrics to your punk records , seems youve been listening to too much death metal bullshit! you sound like a spoilt little rich kid, stay at home, scared to meet real punks! so yeah, fuck the USA and fuck Bush!
The war is over and you bomb japan, like a fucking traitor, just to test them. Like Noam Chomsky said: Americans are not the victims, but the victimisers.
unfortunately the human race is a self-destructive race and as long as we have the capability to destroy ourselves and the planet through war or pollution then inevitably we will!
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`````````````````````````Wildevilman (now has his own punk blog--see blogroll below), Mark Underground (Blog Creator--retired), JayIRC Mark's mini me skinhead hardcore-like-Viacom,`Oi! Boot Bhoy!, Brian Guy (Most ECLECTIC/Hip taste), Count YORGA (another GERMAN like Max And WDM listed first ), BERNANDO old contributor from Swedish Oi!, Record Nerd sent in good stuff to search, our neighbor hardcore punk blogger, Dr. DRUNKRUINSITFOR EVERYBODY now defunct, Dr. Phibes, Jughead, Donut Duck our SST expert, Jungle Jim our radio station raider (another SST specialist), Siobhán Long's sister helps me to make sure I have the country of origin correct, Jim H our record clerk in the store, search for E.W. (Eliot Wilder) from Mondo Exploito blog below) Mutt and The Revenants to get the wildest OBSCURO overlooked classics!!!, ClassicMusic20 our 70/80’s music expert from Canada sends in his requests and files as does Jon H witness to live show with the Brains who keeps me up on the scene per his submissions that open our minds!!!, Muddymike for encouragement (HANX!!), Angstytimelord [R.I.P. from Diabetes] who lost her vinyl collection on a move like many and is THEE BEST expert/authority regarding 1980's music, nuttyniki and angel for their submissions of great music. 80sonspeed, Isksp (Brazil) and Punknotprofit (got me to into blogging and helped me find DU blog) now all are defunct, EricC who has seen a lot of shows and all around helper like AJ (Themes for Great Cities & Dimension of the Mind blogs), Jonder at Jokonky blog with Stinky & Art58Koen who make cool compilations from extensive searches, also Richard over there who has made key requests at DU,, Nathan Nothin' blog former show promoter and early DU blog follower with own blog now, Bill Nelson fanatic, MC5 & Marvin Gaye tour 71 live witness to them and with the best Trip Hop/Dub, revB old school music well of info, Gabe (great studied requests), S.D. Joe big Foghat fan, BigDogDave, mrRadio, Sergey, Farris, Psychfan, jimi2770 from Discog store for regular requests and comments to keep file links up & organized, Rixboy from Australia, Carol Ann, Josef from Austria who saw Jefferson Airplane in Santa Barbara first tour or so with deep music knowledge (clued me on 27$ Snap On Face), Kostas from his great blog Urban Aspirines, Josh DeSlasher, Retro Hound, JohnnyChump and George Leroy Tirebiter for helpful regular comments, and it is I, Viacomclosedmedown on YouTube (no longer also used to be 'CorridorsofPower named after Gary Moore's 1984 album first youtube channel also shuttdown! as Darby Crash (R.I.P.) would say) your current host and RIP master to complain to about stitched-together mp3 rips I do and for requests, content creator and holder of better quality WAV files of all the posts I do at 15 per week since 2008 on various external CD-ROM hard drives in my Walmart Fireproof Waterproof safe
This one for you ClassicMusic20. I know you want trendy Yacht Rock for your radio but calling soft Christian rock by that genre just to get me to buy something won't work and never putting a penny of your own money for anything while using pressure buy to make me buy the last one on Discogs is lame for lame music my Goodwill steals are R.L. Burnside used to say live.
Sure, and never forget Irak with one 11 september every day since 2003, and never forget those millions who died by the hands of USA's warfare since the end of the second world war.
.....and never forget those millions who died by the hands of USA's warfare since the end of the second world war. right!
nagsaki, hirosima, irak, vietnam, europe and many more...FUCK USA! why you put punk music?? you are a yuppie capitalist supporter!
You hate the U.S.
You most likely hate police and your parents too.
Anyone who keeps you safe.
For those who keep you safe must be your scapegoats too.
You want them to be there when there is a job to do,then criticize this job after it's done knowing in the back of your mind that you couldn't or wouldn't do said job yourself.
Many people of many nations died this day.
This isn't an U.S. memorial.
What part of World Trade Center do you not understand?
you are a yuppie capitalist supporter
I'm a bit old for that and doubt I ever fit that description
Capitalist?Well.I make a living.
I have a family.And yes,I'm proud to be an American.
I love my country.
Do you hate yours?
Maybe you should try mine :)
it's ok to love your country fuck all governments they all have blood on there hands.but our government could have stoped it for a would week before 911 the government told all federal employees not to fly they totaly knew but bush wanted his war i was for going into afghanistan to get those alkida and talabani murders but there realy was no need to go into iraq we had them undercontrol but no bush had to finish his dadies war and all those people died for nothing in this pointless
2nd iraq war.all those soldiers died for nothing it just makes me sick.
Conspiracy theories lol.
I don't buy that at all.
If you mean they knew something was coming you may be right.
Clinton knew.But he was busy dealing with the mess of his Oval Office oral escapade.
Don't blame Bush.He came into office December 2000.Who ran the show before that?
He's not perfect and in many peoples eyes had made mistakes but I wonder who could have handled a national terrorist attack better with only 9 months under his belt.
As far as Iraq.
Well Saddam refused to let in the inspectors after already invading his neighbor.
He threatened Israel.
His other neighbors would do nothing due to the fact that they didn't care since they hate Israel and the U.S. also.
The U.N. set the rules.He broke them.
It was up to the U.N. to back up their word...but they like most other countries refused to act.
Try reading the news or maybe a history book.
Oh yea...
We need Governments.
Without them there would be chaos.
You wouldn't want to be murdered would you?
Now here's a question for all.
Imagine a world without the U.S.
Would it be the same world?
There is no way I'll forget this day, seeing as how I was at the WTC that day, having arrived for worked just a few minutes after the first plane hit.
It was a life-changing experience to say the least, and even seven years later new thoughts occur to me, such as after I picked up my daughter from school (who was born only 9 days after 9/11) and realized if I had stood my ground five more minutes I would have died on that ground - and never seen my daughter. Or have had my second one. My wife would have been another name on a list of widows.
i got my info from the news and bush did totaly planed on invading iraq he was just looking for a reason and 911 gave him that.i had friend who worked for the fedral government who told me about federal employees being asked not to fly for a week so they knew something was going to happen.
Memory is OK,
but patriotism is shit!
Fuck the flags!
hey hears something i forgot to add the us had set up on fly zones in iraq in the north and south of the country we knew he didn't have shit every time sadams aircraft went into those zone we blew them out of the skyies he realy was no threat to anyone just his own people.there is a need for government but not for one that lies to us and missleads us
Just because you work for the fedral government doesn't mean you know all of what's going on.
There very well may have been some sort of warning issued but at that time there were many and like hurricane warnings,when you get them but never get hit you tend to dismiss them and let your guard down.
We had never been attacked from terrorists before in such a grand scale.Our guard was down.
Patriotism may be shit to you.
Not me.
This country I live in gave me and my relatives a wonderful life.
My father came here an Armenian born and living in Iran.
He worked the oil fields for years till he had enough money to come to the U.S.
It was like a dream.
My grandfather told him he was crazy and would never do it,that he would beg to come home to Iran.
My father laughed at him.
He did it.Made enough money here to buy his own business,made enough on that to buy the property and then some more.
He wrote back to the rest of the family telling them to come to the land of milk and honey.
They did.Including my grandfather :)
Today they all live here and prosper.
In Iran the lived in mud looking buildings.Today they all have they're own businesses and beautiful homes.
Yeah.I fucking love the U.S.A.
(Brekinapez,I'm glad you got outta there bro.That must have been like a nightmare.Your family must have been in a panic.)
there is a need for government but not for one that lies to us and missleads us
OK,which one you got in mind?
You have a better one right?
I'm not entertaining the Iraq issue being that it has nothing to do with 911.
Maybe I'll post some sort of debate on that separately.
they all lie the world over
It is very sad that a 9-11 memorial post would result in such hate filled comments.
The day was a f*cking tragedy, regardless of whether the US response has been correct or not.
I live in New York and I know people who were directly affected by what happened.
The victims in the WTC, Pentagon and United Flight 93 and the other three planes were murdered, as are the scores of people who eventually will die as they are still suffering from health problems related to the attacks.
I remember this day.My wife and I had no television.We were so shocked for what was happend.We`ve heared all the news in radio till the early morning.We coudn`t sleep.We heared that american soldiers were landing in Afghanistan.It was a feeling like World-War 3 was coming over the earth.We were afraid of this all.
The hate that appears in posts like this is not new to me - its the main reason I don't speak about it to my wife's high school students. We live in an ass-backwards part of Georgia, where after I gave my story some of the students snicker and praise God for killing those faggot-lovers in NYC. Jesus must vomit in his grave every time one of those sick fucks say such garbage in his name. I would get so angry, but I couldn't very well cost my wife her job by beating the shit out of a 16-year-old so I just stopped talking about 9/11 to the assholes called my neighbors.
German national television airs a 9/11 special tonight and to my surprise the doubt the offical version as much as I do!
Osama lives!! Fuck usa!!
Ha ha ha, that was one of the funniest posts I ever saw on an illegal MP3 download blog!
Good job, Mr. Underground.
(By the way, you may be a patriot as you like, but please be aware that over-zealous patriotism caused two world wars and the Holocaust in the last 100 years.)
I believe that there is no need to be hating one another, no matter which side of this issue you are on.
Those who say it was a tragedy & that innocent people died are right & those who say Fuck Bush are also right.
The Corporate-run Amerrikka of Bush & his Skull & Bone Billionaire buddies are to blame, not the country or the people of America. But to glorify & hallow an event that just was used by the Bushies as a stepping stone for more world domination is sending the wrong message, considering the fact that Osama is still at large & the WMD fictions were purposefully perpetrated lies.
I have problem with what you said, though, Mark. A self-proclaimed punk saying "Oh,yea...We need Governments. Without them there would be chaos." The punk ethos is based on chaos & anarchy. I don't need any Government telling me what to do or not to do. I am an intelligent human being who can compassionately determine how to properly treat my neighbors & fellow humans. For any Government to think we as human adults are not capable of right-thinking is demeaning & patronizing.
Then you go on to say "You wouldn't want to be murdered would you?" Well, no, I wouldn't, but even with Government people are murdered. In fact Governments & Religions have murdered more people than free thinking individuals ever have. & also you are somehow equating chaos with murder, but that is faulty logic.
I have posted my own thoughts over at NSS, for what my two cents are worth.
I think the point here is to remember all of the innocent people that died on 9/11! Am I a Bush supporter? No. Do I think there are many "facts" on 9/11 that just don't add up. Yes! But to trash someone for their own opinion on 9/11 and for being patriotic is just lame. America, is one of the best places to live in the world right now and if you don't like the current administration, then get off your ass this November and vote!
Punk ethos?
Not for me...
I'm older now.I grew up.I have a family.Responsibility.
I don't need any Government telling me what to do or not to do.
Criminals feel the same way.
I am an intelligent human being who can compassionately determine how to properly treat my neighbors & fellow humans.
Yes,you very well may be.But some people don't feel the same way as you and may not treat you so properly.
even with Government people are murdered
You are right.But we all need some sort of law and order.
Again,I don't believe in stupid conspiracy theories.They are not fact.
Chaos may not mean murder but in most cases means not good things.
I sure don't want any.
Criminals feel the same way.
So you believe that all laws are just. Because right or wrong does not make criminals, society makes criminals & societies constantly change. A criminal is someone who breaks an existing law & if some laws are bad, then not all criminals are bad. Bob Dylan said you must be honest to live outside the law.
may not treat me as properly. I don't imagine or expect that all people will treat me properly, but I don't expect the Government to take care of me. I am nearly 60 years old & have always taken care of mine & myself since I was old enough.
We all need dome sort of law & order. As I have always taught my daughter, now 26 & have always lived by with her...We only need one law - THINK! & as for order, this is not an ordered Universe. Man simply tries to impose order on it because he does not understand it.
These are not fact. Chaos...means not good things. This is blatantly false & where are your facts. You need to learn about Chaos, it is the only thing that will stop the Entropy that leads to destruction.
It is fine to beat a drum, but if you beat it so loudly that you no longer can hear, you may not be in time with the rest of the players.
Chaos...means not good things.
Everyone lives they're own way of life.What works for you may not for others.
Chaos to me means disorder.While disorder may lead to something better,being in a state of disorder isn't a good thing.Not for me.
If you are a citizen of the U.S. you have the right to vote.You also have the right to enter the political arena to present your views to the public.
It is fine to beat a drum, but if you beat it so loudly that you no longer can hear, you may not be in time with the rest of the players
WTF does that mean?
I'm being myself.I'm not a comic book person.
I posted a 911 memorial pic because I care & know alot of people affected by it.
I got hostile responses.
I let you all know how I felt,honestly.And was persecuted.
Amazing how much you all hate people who are different from you.
Punks & prejudice.Nice
Mark, this crap happens everywhere. Someone posted a similar topic at the Battlefield 2 forums and a bunch of assholes piled on to wreck yet another attempt at recognizing such a tragic event.
I wonder how many of the people posting here (and at PBF) support the Westboro Church when they go to the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and broadcast their messages of hate.
Seriously, you guys are within your rights to have an opinion on the subject, but maybe you need to post your opinions on your own blogs and not soil someone's heartfelt message of condolences to the innocent dead. All you're doing is making yourselves look like crass dick heads.
There's an eagle winking at me!
Don't forget the founding fathers of this country were rebels.
Ok, 911 was a tragedy, but hey it's time for you people over there in the states to come out of your small box and open up your eyes. USA is not the world whatever you people say....There are other people here too at this planet, and they don't want USA dominance and excauses for bombing other people back to the stoneage. The American moral sucks talking about freedom. And in the best of the worlds there are no white christan moral ultra rightwings, There are no people who have the right to be armed to live in a safe society, there are no niggers and no ku klux klan. There are no people without healtcare and no social justice. And by the way, If we should practice the nürnberg rules today, every American president since 1945 should be judged as a war criminal. You people have to look outside your own backyard to understand what world your system create. You don't understand the influence of you american way and the monster you construct. I don't have anything against the peole who lives in the states but you must know the truth before you say that you have pride...and by the way again...who celibrates the innocents in Afghanistan and in Irak killd by American arms.
Setback,Why don't you start your own Anti-American Blog?
I'm glad you live where you do,not here.
I can think/believe and be proud of whatever I like.
If you don't like it...You know what to do.
USA is not the world
I never said it was.
If you don't like U.S. anything in your country.Do something about it.
Become a politician for your country and throw out all that is U.S.
If you don't...then your just bitching.
You can be gutless and whine or you could act.You decide.
Again...This was a memorial for the people who tragically died that day.People from all over the world.Not just Americans dummy.
By debating the subject you make yourself look like an cold cruel ass.
being a frenchman, an european, I share the same values as the american people, and I know that the attacks against the world trade center are an attack against our society and our liberties but to compare the USA with my parents is a little bit too much for my taste. and if the USA want to protect me, why can't I vote for their president? critisism doesn't always means reject.
these stupid jihadists hate our democracy and our liberty, not only the USA.
Laurent :)
100% right on.
But when you said "to compare the USA with my parents".I guess something got lost in translation.
I never compared my parents to my nation.
I told the story of my fathers immigration here so that people could understand why I love my country.
U.S. protects who is necessary.
Countries/Peoples who are threatened and haven't the ability to protect themselves.You should know that :)
hi mark, thanks for your fast response
I wasn't refering to your own history but to your sentence : "you hate the USA (...) you most likely hate your parents"
I understand why you love your country and I hope that you understand that the values of both our countries are the same, even if the medias try to caricature our differences. like I said, I think it's our liberty against their obsurantism, and it's a strong battle, and I'm sure you know that there's not only american soldiers who die to protect these values.
fuck the United States Empire and it's quest for world (and oil) domination!
I do Laurent.We couldn't do it alone.
I love France.All of Europe.
I find it fascinating.I wish I could experience more of it.
I visited Germany & Italy when I was young and thought it a wonderful place.
I also visited Iran the same year.
Iran was...not like Europe lol.
Anonymous said...
fuck the United States Empire and it's quest for world (and oil) domination
Come over to this side of the pond and talk your shit.
I'll club you like a baby seal and send you home with a mouthful of bloody chicklets.
Anons are pussy kids...Grab some balls.
hey mark are you a conservative republican cus you sure sound like americans consume 90 percent of what the world produces and were only ten percent of the worlds population no wonder the rest of world hates us americans so fuck the United States Empire and it's quest for world (and oil) domination.
Republican conservatives are as close to my beliefs as is available.
I don't agree with all they have to say however.
I'm all for a Republican fix.It's pretty obvious what's on American minds.
I would like to see America need nothing from others.
Dems are just too pussified for my taste.I need strength.
But that's my opinion.
I try not to label myself.
Ya started that one nice enough but I guess you felt you needed to end it as an asshole.
Oh by the way,if your an American and hate the U.S.
Why are you here?
Your not chained,you may leave.
i suppose you agree with clubbing baby seals too? :-(
Only if they have a face like yours.
take a look in the mirror pal!
Yea,I'm ugly....:)
You should know.I don't know what you look like,not even a cute name.
i don't hate the us i hate the us government you tool.
you've been a punk for 30 years but learnt nothing!
japan will never forget the atomic bombs.
Dude, don't even try to compare our bombing of Japan - who attacked our nation first - to the attack on the WTC.
yes, god bless amerikkka the land of the free, ha ha, the biggest warmongers of all history! if youre so patriotic go join the army and go to afghanistan, if you dont come home in a bodybag you can blow away a few innocent women and children and whilst youre killing them you can pretend you are killing all those commie punks you so love to hate! try reading the lyrics to your punk records , seems youve been listening to too much death metal bullshit! you sound like a spoilt little rich kid, stay at home, scared to meet real punks! so yeah, fuck the USA and fuck Bush!
The war is over and you bomb japan, like a fucking traitor, just to test them. Like Noam Chomsky said: Americans are not the victims, but the victimisers.
The war is over and you bomb japan, like a fucking traitor, just to test them
What world are you living in?
Just to test them?What?
Drugs are bad.You should stop using them.It's made you babble jibberish.
Crack open a history book, Slowpoke, and you'll see Japan did not surrender until AFTER the second bomb was dropped.
It was the war with GERMANY that had already ended.
And I thought American education was lacking...
there's still no justification for using nuclear weapons however, let us hope they are never used again!
unfortunately the human race is a self-destructive race and as long as we have the capability to destroy ourselves and the planet through war or pollution then inevitably we will!
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