Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A couple of pictures I took last week at the beach.
That's my wife and daughter in the lower one.
It was a pretty day.A little too windy though.I tried to get in the water but it slapped the crap out of me till I got out lol.Good surfing or kite weather.Now were in the season of the afternoon thunderstorms.Everyday...Every morning is beautiful,every afternoon/evening storms come from the Everglades.I have so much free time with my daughter now that school is out.
I think soon we make it to the Everglades,do some fishing and take some pictures.
Life is good.


Aesop said...

I miss those storms. I also miss the ominousness of the clouds and sky above the south. I also miss an ocean you can swim in all year 'round. More and more I think I need to visit and return to my roots.

Nish said...

You just say the word my friend.
You'll have dinner with me.
You should bring the whole family.
Show Ezra where you cut your teeth.
I welcome you and your family into my home.

Slobodan Burgher said...

You are kiddinga ren't ya? Hell taht looks like paradise or something...

Here's a sample of my daily vistas here in London:


Nish said...

I'd love to visit London.So much history and so many things to do,places to go.
I wish I had the time and $$ to travel.
