Monday, May 19, 2008

Sacred Denial - North Of The Order

Sacred Denial - North Of The Order

H/C From U.S.

(Big thanks to Donut Duck from The Blasting Concept for upping this request)

Get It Here:



Douchess of York said...

Thanks for featuring the album, Mark. I really like that album, lots of fine moments here - sometimes the group reminds me of the early Huskers darker Manchester days. Wish that would be available on CD...

Nish said...

My pleasure double D!
I'll have to give it a listen.All this hub-bub about it.
I never heard them.At least not conscious.I've heard alot of bands I forgot.Being that I was in the record store business I guess that tends to happen.
So many bands so many names.

I'll definatly give it a spin!
Thanks again D

Anonymous said...

Great LP! I love all their material but this one stands out I think. They were supposed to open for Suicidal Tendencies in Atlanta in 1987, but dropped off at the last minute- I missed the chance to see them :-(

Papst Benedikt XVI said...

to be honest: I´ve somehow forgotten that I got this record myself! just when I saw the cover a bell started to ring! maybe this tells me that I got to many records?

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