Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Kind - st EP 82 w Pain And Pleasure LP 83

REPOST Request:   O.K. another Illinois band ala PEZBAND ala OFF BROADWAY also both from that late seventies Illinois band scene outside of Chicage getting airplay on teen music stations and sounding very glam style I might add--I was just in fourth grade and didn't know what to call it but rollerskating rink music of the day who read "Dynamite" magazine.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Ruben Chandler said...
Too bad about rapid-share. I'm just going through and deleting your fine posts as I'll never get them.

DECEMBER 10, 2012 AT 4:06 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
You already have them but some have long wait or don't get them at all so I switched to Sendspace...I kind of like the bigger window buttons anyways.

DECEMBER 10, 2012 AT 5:18 PM
Brian Guy said...
Dynamite magazine that brings back some memories. Always liked the Baseball cards that they had in it every spring.

Ah Memories.


Brian Guy

DECEMBER 11, 2012 AT 12:17 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Can't believe someone remembers that mag!! I had Farrah Fawcett Majors on the cover in all her feathered-hair glory but that was the free issue--didn't know about the cards...very cool. I got the reflective 3-D baseball cards as a complete collection from Kellogg's on one of their cornflake cereals. Ha been converting VHS to MP4 and just did a whole fan club video for Freakies cereal which was a favorite along with King Vitamin.

DECEMBER 11, 2012 AT 11:40 PM
PoodleHead2005 said...
Can you repost these albums please? Thanks in advance. :)

APRIL 25, 2016 AT 12:33 AM

APRIL 28, 2016 AT 10:23 AM
Anonymous said...
The Dynamite Magazine reference sold me. Man, I hadn't recalled that in a long, LONG time. Thanks for nudging the 'ol grey matter...

MAY 1, 2016 AT 2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Posted a comment before reading the comments...the grey matter was further jiggled. I remember the fake baseball cards on the back cover of favorite was "Ben Dover" which I have never forgot and always use as my fake 'sign in' name still even though I'm nearly 50 now. Either that or Nick Ropheliac. I was obsessed with that had a huge impact on my sense of humor and my personality to some degree. I also collected the Kelloggs 3D baseball cards obsessively and ALWAYS mailed away for the full set... Thanks for posting great lost music...

MAY 1, 2016 AT 2:41 PM
Lostryder said...
Hi There
here i go again...

can you please re-up this
2 albuns from "The Kind"

Tank you in advance...

JANUARY 25, 2018 AT 4:05 PM

angstytimelord said...

I REMEMBER DYNAMITE MAGAZINE! It was kind of the Mad Magazine for kids who were too young to really understand a lot of Mad's humor. I actually had a subscription to it. I remember being 10 years old in 1975 (I was born in late 1964) and getting the issue with the Bay City Rollers on the cover and being in teen idol heaven!

Looking forward to hearing these albums. I'm a HUGE Off Broadway USA fan ("Stay in Time" is still one of my all-time favorite tunes), so if these guys sound anything like them, I'm going to love their music!
