Tuesday, December 6, 2011

VA - Murder And Mayhem Records Presents - Drunks Not Dead EP 99

An international compilation seven inch from Murder and Mayhem Records out of Garner, NC. The Louts and Boot Militia out of the states (North Carolina and New Jersey respectively) and Die Strohsacke from Berlin, Germany and The Bad Preachers out of Belgium. Over all not a bad comp.


Bernando said...

Thanks a lot Bian. I will upload this EP at USoi! if that is ok. Leaving you as reference offcourse.

Brian Seattle said...

That's fine. Go for it.


Brian Guy

Bernando said...

By the way Brian do you know from what year this comp is.
The scans dont reveal a year.... i know i'm a perfectionist nerd but thats just the way it is.

Brian Seattle said...

I looked all over this thing even the insert and there is no date to be found any place. I know where you are coming from, I like to know years of release on stuff to. Don't know why a lot of records don't include that. It also pisses me of when a band doesn't say where they are from. Oh well that's our life as record collector nerds eh?

Trey said...

Record was released in 1999; third release from the label.
